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how can i get the webkit-column-count value and current page or column Id?

I am developing application using webview in android. i am loading a page into webview and splitting multiple columns dynamically using CSS3 webkit property. once user reach the last page/column i have to show the TOC confirmation dialog. can anyone please advice me how to do that ?

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Jega Avatar asked Sep 30 '11 10:09


People also ask

What is Webkit column count?

-webkit-column-count:Specifies the number of columns that the contents of the element should be flowed into. JavaScript page for this property: MozColumnCount | webkitColumnCount.

How do I count columns in HTML?

Approach: The length property is used to count the number of rows and columns in an HTML table using jQuery. The selectors used for finding the number of rows and columns in an HTML table are: To count the number of rows, the “#Table_Id tr” selector is used.

How does CSS column count work?

If you need an exact numbers of columns when designing a multi-column layout, use column-count . Given the number of columns, the browser will evenly distribute the content in exactly that number of columns. This property can also be used in the shorthand for columns and can be used in tandem with column-width .

1 Answers

How your TOC confirmation dialog is setup?

One possible solution could be to use the :nth-last-of-type(N) selector to select last page/column element http://reference.sitepoint.com/css/pseudoclass-nthlastoftype.

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Jessica Burnett Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 12:09

Jessica Burnett