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How can I get the number of Tweets a link has using the Twitter API?



I want to see how many tweets does a link have. For Facebook, you can use FQL to get the number of Likes each page has.

Is there a page in the Twitter API documentations that describe how to do this?

like image 367
Leo Jiang Avatar asked Jan 16 '12 22:01

Leo Jiang

People also ask

How many tweets can you get from Twitter API?

Note that beyond these limits on the number of requests, the Standard Basic level of access provides up to 500,000 Tweets per month from the recent search and filtered stream endpoints.

How do you see the number of tweets in a tagline?

You can find the number of Tweets for a hashtag by tracking them using a hashtag tracking tool such as Trackmyhashtag. It is an amazing Twitter hashtag counting or hashtag tracking tool which allows you to count or find the total number of tweets for a hashtag.

How do you see the number of tweets on Twitter?

To access your Tweet activity: On a desktop or laptop computer, visit analytics.twitter.com and click on Tweets. In the Twitter app for iOS or Android, tap the analytics icon visible in your Tweets.

1 Answers

This seems to work, without authentication:


For example, to get the number of tweets for this random page on mashable:


Returns the following JSON:

like image 150
Tim Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 00:11
