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how can I get the current url using protractor?

I am testing a website using protractor, and jasmine. I would like to know the current url in order to verify a test.

I have tried

function waitForUrlToChangeTo(urlRegex) {
    var currentUrl;

    return browser.getCurrentUrl().then(function storeCurrentUrl(url) {
            currentUrl = url;
    ).then(function waitForUrlToChangeTo() {
            return browser.wait(function waitForUrlToChangeTo() {
                return browser.getCurrentUrl().then(function compareCurrentUrl(url) {
                    return urlRegex.test(url);

and I am using this function in this way

it('should log', function() {
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lmiguelvargasf Avatar asked Apr 01 '15 18:04


People also ask

How to get the current URL in protractor?

If you want to just check the current URL, then use browser. getCurrentUrl() : expect(browser. getCurrentUrl()).

How do I get the current URL?

Answer: Use the window. location. href Property location. href property to get the entire URL of the current page which includes host name, query string, fragment identifier, etc.

3 Answers

If you want to just check the current URL, then use browser.getCurrentUrl():


But, if you need to wait until URL matches a certain value, see the next part of the answer.

Here is a working code based on the example provided by the author of the Expected Conditions:

var urlChanged = function(url) {
  return function () {
    return browser.getCurrentUrl().then(function(actualUrl) {
      return url != actualUrl;


browser.wait(urlChanged("http://localhost:9000/#/solicitudes"), 5000); 
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alecxe Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 03:10


Alecxe your answer was very helpful.

But couldn't you just code:


And if this fails, then you know you're going to the wrong place.

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LucCW Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 01:10


Since Protractor 4.0.0 you can now use expected conditions to know when your url changed.

const EC = protractor.ExpectedConditions;
browser.wait(EC.urlContains('my-url'), 5000);

The asnwer I found comes from this one, I have no real credits for it. But just in case it help.

Protractor- Generic wait for URL to change

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etiennejcharles Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 02:10
