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How can I get phone serial number (IMEI) [duplicate]



I want to get phone serial number by programming to registration configuration of my application and number of users and phones that my app has been installed on them.

Can I get that?

and can I get phone model that my app has been installed on them?

like image 627
Mohsen Bahman Avatar asked Feb 02 '13 10:02

Mohsen Bahman

People also ask

Can you get duplicate IMEI?

Have there ever been reported cases of duplicate IMEI numbers, whether un-intentional or deliberate? Yes, it's possible. There are some IMEI Changer programs on the internet, and on some phones it's possible to change the IMEI.

Can I use IMEI to find serial number?

No. They're both tied to the phone itself. Every phone has its own IMEI and serial number. The International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) number is a unique identification number used by phone companies to link the device to a particular user account.

Can 2 mobiles have same IMEI number?

A smartphone's IMEI is like a digital fingerprint: unique to each and every device. It's used by telecom companies to provide network connectivity on a SIM card, and since the IMEI number of two devices cannot be the same, it's also used to track and trace lost devices or criminals.

1 Answers

pls refer this https://stackoverflow.com/a/1972404/951045

 TelephonyManager mngr = (TelephonyManager)getSystemService(Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE); 

add READ_PHONE_STATE permission to AndroidManifest.xml

like image 135
techieWings Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 15:10
