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How to put some delay in calling an activity from another activity?

I have an application in which I'm receiving a sms containing his location.On receiving sms it calls another activity to start and passes that location to that activity to plot it on the map.Before calling the second activity it shows a toast like notification on the screen but somehoe due to calling second activity that toast doesn't come up.My question is how can we delay the calling of second activity from this activity ?

like image 603
dark_shadow Avatar asked Nov 01 '11 11:11


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3 Answers

You can use something like this:

 new Handler().postDelayed(new Runnable() {
                      public void run() {

                          Intent i=new Intent(SearxhJobs.this,JobsTypes.class);
                  }, 5000);

Here it waits upto 5 seconds to launch activity.

Hope it helps

like image 63
Udaykiran Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 20:10


You can do it with a Handler like this

    Handler h = new Handler(){
        public void handleMessage(Message msg) {

            Intent i = new Intent().setClass(ctx, MainActivity.class);                  

    h.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(0, 1500); // 1500 is time in miliseconds
like image 8
Mats Hofman Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 20:10

Mats Hofman

Make an AsyncClass that does Thread.sleep() in the doInBackground() method, then navigate to your new activity in the your onPostExecute() method.

Call your toast message and then execute the AsyncClass.

like image 3
NotACleverMan Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 19:10
