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How can I get a return value from ScalaTest indicating test suite failure?

I'm running a ScalaTest (FlatSpec) suite programmatically, like so:

new MyAwesomeSpec().execute()

Is there some way I can figure out if all tests passed? Suite#execute() returns Unit here, so does not help. Ideally, I'd like to run the whole suite and then get a return value indicating whether any tests failed; an alternative would be to fail/return immediately on any failed test.

I can probably achieve this by writing a new FlatSpec subclass that overrides the Scalatest Suite#execute() method to return a value, but is there a better way to do what I want here?

like image 399
Sasgorilla Avatar asked Mar 09 '18 20:03


1 Answers

org.scalatest.Suite also has run function, which returns the status of a single executed test.

With a few tweaking, we can access the execution results of each test. To run a test, we need to provide a Reporter instance. An ad-hoc empty reporter will be enough in our simple case:

val reporter = new Reporter() {
  override def apply(e: Event) = {}

So, let's execute them:

import org.scalatest.events.Event
import org.scalatest.{Args, Reporter}

val testSuite = new MyAwesomeSpec()
val testNames = testSuite.testNames

testNames.foreach(test => {
  val result = testSuite.run(Some(test), Args(reporter))
  val status = if (result.succeeds()) "OK" else "FAILURE!"
  println(s"Test: '$test'\n\tStatus=$status")

This will produce output similar to following:

Test: 'This test should pass'
Test: 'Another test should fail'

Having access to each test case name and its respective execution result, you should have enough data to achieve your goal.

like image 128
Antot Avatar answered Sep 16 '22 20:09
