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How can I get a random number in Rust 1.0?


I tried

use std::rand::{task_rng, Rng};  fn main() {     // a number from [-40.0, 13000.0)     let num: f64 = task_rng().gen_range(-40.0, 1.3e4);     println!("{}", num); } 

but this gives

error[E0432]: unresolved import `std::rand::task_rng`  --> rand.rs:1:17   | 1 | use std::rand::{task_rng, Rng};   |                 ^^^^^^^^ no `task_rng` in `rand`  error[E0432]: unresolved import `std::rand::Rng`  --> rand.rs:1:27   | 1 | use std::rand::{task_rng, Rng};   |                           ^^^ no `Rng` in `rand`  error[E0603]: module `rand` is private  --> rand.rs:1:17   | 1 | use std::rand::{task_rng, Rng};   |                 ^^^^^^^^  error[E0603]: module `rand` is private  --> rand.rs:1:27   | 1 | use std::rand::{task_rng, Rng};   |                           ^^^ 

and I tried

extern crate rand; use rand::Rng;  fn main() {     let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();     if rng.gen() {         // random bool         println!("i32: {}, u32: {}", rng.gen::<i32>(), rng.gen::<u32>())     }     let tuple = rand::random::<(f64, char)>();     println!("{:?}", tuple) } 

and got

error[E0425]: cannot find function `thread_rng` in module `rand`  --> rand.rs:5:29   | 5 |         let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();   |                             ^^^^^^^^^^ not found in `rand`   | help: possible candidate is found in another module, you can import it into scope   |     use std::__rand::thread_rng;  error[E0425]: cannot find function `random` in module `rand`   --> rand.rs:10:27    | 10 |         let tuple = rand::random::<(f64, char)>();    |                           ^^^^^^ not found in `rand`  error: use of unstable library feature 'rand': use `rand` from crates.io (see issue #27703)  --> rand.rs:1:5   | 1 |     extern crate rand;   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^  error: use of unstable library feature 'rand': use `rand` from crates.io (see issue #27703)  --> rand.rs:2:9   | 2 |     use rand::Rng;   |         ^^^^^^^^^ 
like image 810
Martin Thoma Avatar asked Mar 29 '15 20:03

Martin Thoma

People also ask

Does rust have RNG?

We will use the rand crate and the Rng trait in Rust that gives us access to certain functions that help us in generating random numbers.

1 Answers

In the far past, the rand crate was part of the standard library but has long since been extracted to a crate. This crate should be the one you use:

Specify a Cargo.toml:

[package] name = "stackoverflow" version = "0.0.1" authors = ["A. Developer <[email protected]>"]  [dependencies] rand = "0.7.0" # Or a newer version 

Then your example code works:

use rand::Rng; // 0.7.2  fn main() {     let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();     if rng.gen() { // random bool         println!("i32: {}, u32: {}", rng.gen::<i32>(), rng.gen::<u32>())     }     let tuple = rand::random::<(f64, char)>();     println!("{:?}", tuple) } 

With the output:

$ cargo run      Running `target/debug/so` i32: 1819776837, u32: 3293137459 (0.6052759716514547, '\u{69a69}')  $ cargo run      Running `target/debug/so` (0.23882541338214436, '\u{10deee}') 

Why were these useful functions removed from stdlib?

Rust has a philosophy of placing as much as possible into crates instead of the standard library. This allows each piece of code to grow and evolve at a different rate than the standard library and also allows the code to stop being used without forcing it to be maintained forever.

A common example is the sequence of HTTP libraries in Python. There are multiple packages that all do the same thing in different ways and the Python maintainers have to keep all of them to provide backwards compatibility.

Crates allow this particular outcome to be avoided. If a crate truly stabilizes for a long time, I'm sure it could be re-added to the standard library.

like image 64
Shepmaster Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 23:09
