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Where can I put my Plugs and then use them from different controllers in my Phoenix app?


I'm creating my first Elixir-Phoenix app. I've written a few plugs that I want to use in multiple controllers, right now there is a lot of code duplication since the Plug code is being repeated in all of my controllers.

My question is, is there a file where I can put all of my Plugs and then access and use them from different controllers?

# somefile to define my plugs  defp load_subject(conn, _) do     subject = Subject |> Repo.get conn.params["subject_id"]      assign(conn, :subject, subject) end  defp load_topic(conn, _) do     topic = Topic |> Repo.get conn.params["topic_id"]      conn |> assign :topic, topic end 

Then use them in my controllers:

# First Controller defmodule MyApp.FirstController do     use MyApp.Web, :controller      plug :load_subject     plug :load_topic     plug :action      def some_action(conn, _) do         # do something     end      def another_action(conn, _) do         # do some other thing     end end  # Second Controller defmodule MyApp.SecondController do     use MyApp.Web, :controller      plug :load_subject     plug :load_topic     plug :action      def lame_action(conn, _) do         # do something     end      def cool_action(conn, _) do         # do some other thing     end end 
like image 711
Sheharyar Avatar asked Jun 21 '15 01:06


People also ask

What is a plug in Phoenix elixir?

Plug is a specification for composable modules in between web applications. It is also an abstraction layer for connection adapters of different web servers. The basic idea of Plug is to unify the concept of a "connection" that we operate on.

What is a plug in Elixir?

In the Elixir world, Plug is the specification that enables different frameworks to talk to different web servers in the Erlang VM. If you are familiar with Ruby , Plug tries to solve the same problem that Rack does, just with a different approach.

What is a Phoenix controller?

Phoenix controllers act as intermediary modules. Their functions — called actions — are invoked from the router in response to HTTP requests. The actions, in turn, gather all the necessary data and perform all the necessary steps before invoking the view layer to render a template or returning a JSON response.

1 Answers

You can define the plugs in any module as public functions:

defmodule MyApp.Loaders do   import Plug.Conn    def load_subject(conn, _) do     subject = Subject |> Repo.get conn.params["subject_id"]     assign(conn, :subject, subject)   end    def load_topic(conn, _) do     topic = Topic |> Repo.get conn.params["topic_id"]     conn |> assign :topic, topic   end end 

Now you can import it in your controllers and use the plugs:

defmodule MyApp.Controller do   use MyApp.Web, :controller   import MyApp.Loaders    plug :load_subject   plug :load_topic   plug :action    ... end 

Alternatively, you can also create a pipeline in your router:

import MyApp.Loaders  pipeline :with_subject_and_topic do   plug :load_subject   plug :load_topic end 

And then pipe_through it in the relevant scopes.

like image 200
José Valim Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 22:09

José Valim