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How can I force a struct's field to always be immutable in Rust?

In Rust, you don't specify mutability inside a struct, but it is inherited from the variable binding. That's great, but is it possible to force a field to be always immutable, even when the root is mutable?

Something like this hypothetical syntax:

struct A {
    immut s: Shape, // immutable by design
    bla: Bla, // this field inheriting (im)mutability
let mut a = make_a();
a.s = x/*...*/; // illegal

This would help to maintain nice semantic restrictions in a program, just like Java's final does (in a very limited way).

Also, we could imagine this kind of struct having some non-owning references to internal immutable data, taking advantage of this immutability...

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LP_ Avatar asked May 19 '14 17:05


2 Answers

It's impossible to have immutability of a single field. That was an option in an ancient version of Rust (think before 0.8), but it was dropped because the rules confused a LOT of people. How was it confusing, you might ask? Think about it like this: if a field is declared mutable and struct is declared mutable and the reference used was an immutable reference (&) then the field is _______.

The best, as Lily Ballard noted, is that you can declare your Shape field as private and make a getter method using impl A {...}.

mod inner {
    pub struct A {
        s: i32, // can't be seen outside of module
        pub bla: i32,

    impl A {
        pub fn new() -> Self {
            Self { s: 0, bla: 42 }

        pub fn get_s(&self) -> i32 {
let mut a = inner::A::new();
a.s = 42; // illegal
println!("{}", a.s); // also illegal
println!("{}", a.get_s()); // could be made to serve as a read-only method
error[E0616]: field `s` of struct `main::inner::A` is private
  --> src/main.rs:20:5
20 |     a.s = 42; // illegal
   |     ^^^

error[E0616]: field `s` of struct `main::inner::A` is private
  --> src/main.rs:21:20
21 |     println!("{}", a.s); // also illegal
   |                    ^^^

There is proposition that might drop notions of mutability and immutability completely (you can't say a struct never changes). See Niko's explanation for that change.

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Daniel Fath Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 07:11

Daniel Fath

You can create a struct and only implement the Deref trait for it. Without the DerefMut trait it won't be possible for contained values to be mutated.


This way the compiler will make the member usable as if it's not wrapped in another struct, no need for any written getter method call.

use std::ops::Deref;

/// A container for values that can only be deref'd immutably.
struct Immutable<T> {
    value: T,

impl<T> Immutable<T> {
    pub fn new(value: T) -> Self {
        Immutable { value }

impl<T> Deref for Immutable<T> {
    type Target = T;

    fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
struct Foo {
    bar: Immutable<Vec<u8>>,
    baz: usize,

impl Foo {
    pub fn new(vec: Vec<u8>) -> Self {
        Foo {
            bar: Immutable::new(vec),
            baz: 1337,

    pub fn mutate(&mut self) {
        self.bar.push(0); // This will cause a compiler error
|         self.bar.push(0);
|         ^^^^^^^^ cannot borrow as mutable
= help: trait `DerefMut` is required to modify through a dereference, but it is not implemented for `runnable::immutable::Immutable<std::vec::Vec<u8>>`
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danthedaniel Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 06:11
