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How can I force a line break in rmarkdown's title for ioslides presentation? [duplicate]




The solution for html_document output does not work for ioslides_presentation output. How can I force a title change at a specific location?

The solution for html_document output produces very strange results.

title: | 
  | This is an extremely long title
  | with a desired line break at a 
  | specific location
output: ioslides_presentation
like image 740
shadow Avatar asked Jun 04 '15 13:06


1 Answers

Well, I just figured it out myself. You can add html tags to the title, e.g. <br>. This works:

title: This is an extremely long <br> title with a <br> desired 
  line break <br> at a specific <br> location
output: ioslides_presentation
like image 180
shadow Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 22:11
