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how can I echo/print specific lines from a bash variable

I am trying to print specific lines from a multi-line bash variable. I've found the following:

while read line; do echo LINE: "$line"; done <<< "$x"

where x would be the variable, but that simply prints out all lines instead of just a single one (say line 1 for instance). How could I go about adapting this to print out a specific line instead of all of them? (would like to avoid having to write the variable to a file instead)

like image 368
lacrosse1991 Avatar asked Apr 03 '13 01:04


1 Answers

To print the Nth line:

sed -n ${N}p <<< "$x"

or (more portably):

sed -n ${N}p << EOF


echo "$x" | sed -n "$N"p


echo "$x" | sed -n ${N}p

or (for the specific case N==3)

echo "$x" | sed -n 3p


while read line; do echo LINE: "$line"; done <<< "$x" | sed -n ${N}p


while read line; do echo LINE: "$line"; done << EOF | sed -n ${N}p
like image 152
William Pursell Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 14:10

William Pursell