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How can I distribute python programs?



My application looks like this:


The program is started with main.py. Is there a good way to create a 'final' application out of it? I'm thinking of something like py2exe/py2app, but without copying the python interpreter / modules into the application where one has only one executable.

I had a look at distutils, but this looks like it installs a program into the Python directory, which isn't usual on non-linux platforms.

At the moment I just copy the whole source folder onto the target machine and create an alias to main.pyw on windows. Some inconveniences:

  • The icon is the default python icon.
  • I have to create the alias manually.
  • In my source directory there are a lot of additional files like the source control folder.
  • I have to rename main.py to main.pyw manually.
  • It would be nice if only `.pyo* files are on the target machine. There's no real reason for it, I just don't like having unnecessary files.

How does one create a nice automated distribution?

  • for windows? (That's the only platform that I have to support at the moment.)
  • for mac?
  • for linux?
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Georg Schölly Avatar asked Oct 13 '09 05:10

Georg Schölly

People also ask

How do I sell my Python code?

To be able to sell your Python application you can create a web page for your app where you will host the executable package. Then you could create a way for the customer to enter their payment info and after valid payment have it allow them to download the app.

4 Answers

I highly recommend Pyinstaller, which supports all major platforms pretty seamlessly. Like py2exe and py2app, it produces a standard executable on Windows and an app bundle on OS X, but has the benefit of also doing a fantastic job of auto-resolving common dependencies and including them without extra configuration tweaks.

Also note that if you're deploying Python 2.6 to Windows, you should apply this patch to Pyinstaller trunk.

You indicated that you don't need an installer, but Inno Setup is an easy to use and quick to setup choice for the Windows platform.

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Daniel Naab Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 12:10

Daniel Naab

The normal way of distributing Python applications is with distutils. It's made both for distributing library type python modules, and python applications, although I don't know how it works on Windows. You would on Windows have to install Python separately if you use distutils, in any case.

I'd probably recommend that you distribute it with disutils for Linux, and Py2exe or something similar for Windows. For OS X I don't know. If it's an end user application you would probably want an disk image type of thing, I don't know how to do that. But read this post for more information on the user experience of it. For an application made for programmers you are probably OK with a distutils type install on OS X too.

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Lennart Regebro Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 12:10

Lennart Regebro

I think it’s also worth mentioning PEX (considering more the attention this question received and less the question itself). According to its own description:

PEX files are self-contained executable Python virtual environments. More specifically, they are carefully constructed zip files with a #!/usr/bin/env python and special __main__.py that allows you to interact with the PEX runtime. For more information about zip applications, see PEP 441.

I stumbled upon it when I read an overview of packaging for python. They posted this nice picture there: enter image description here

To summarize: If you can afford relying on python being installed on the target machine, use PEX to produce a self-containing »executable« which probably will have smaller file size than an executable produced by PyInstaller, for example.

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user3389669 Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 11:10


Fredrik Lundh's squeeze.py can create a single file that does not contain the Python interpreter, but instead contains bytecode. With the right arguments, you can include other files, modules, etc. in the result file. I used it successfully in one project. The resulting program ran on OS X, Linux and Windows without any problem!

PS: Each machine needs to have a Python interpreter which is compatible with the bytecode generated by squeeze.py. You can generate different bytecode versions for different versions of Python, if need be (just run squeeze.py with the right version of Python).

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Eric O Lebigot Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 12:10

Eric O Lebigot