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How can I dismiss two modal view controller in succession *with animation*?

Yes, I know there's exactly same question, but I want to do this with double dismiss animation. How to Dismiss 2 Modal View Controllers in Succession?

my code is same as question above,

view controller A (in navigation controller) - modal view controller B - modal view controller C

here's pseudo code

notification to B (as delegate)      // I changed order of this two lines, 
dismiss C *without* animation    // but it was same. 

(notification from C, in B)
dismiss B *with* animation

If I use animation when I dismiss C, it doesn't work, B will not be dismiss, because dismiss animation of C is playing.

Problem is: I can't start another dismiss animation if there's animation playing.

Can I play dismiss animation in succession?

This is not only problem of dismiss animation, it can be also applied to other iOS animations.

P.S: I think I can use timer to wait until first animation ends, but it is dirty and not stable way, isn't it?

Small Talk: In my program,

  • A: article list view
  • B: write article view
  • C: login view (if user is not logged in)

today, I have to add join view, I have to dismiss 3 views in time lol how can I help this?

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moon6pence Avatar asked Jul 19 '11 03:07


People also ask

How do you dismiss a modal view controller?

The first option is to tell the view to dismiss itself using its presentation mode environment key. Any view can read its presentation mode using @Environment(\. presentationMode) , and calling wrappedValue. dismiss() on that will cause the view to be dismissed.

2 Answers

iOS 5.0 and higher:

[self.presentingViewController.presentingViewController dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil];

This works if you have:

A - starting view controller
M1 - modally presented by A
M2 - modally presented by M1

Put that line of code in M2's view controller class (and a button or whatever to activate it), and it will "reach up" through the hierarchy and tell A to dismissViewControllerAnimated:...

However,Rahul Vyas's answer is probably a better approach for cases where you have an unknown number of modal view controllers stretching between "A" and the last Modal view.

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Bill Patterson Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 20:11

Bill Patterson

You can generate a NSNotification and then from the root where your first modal appears dismiss the first modal view controller and all the others will automatically disappear. I have done this in one of my app.

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Rahul Vyas Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 20:11

Rahul Vyas