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How can I disable the use of bold fonts when editing code in Eclipse?


I don't want Eclipse to display any keyword in bold. I've browsed through a lot of options in the Preferences window, but could not find a way to do this. Is it possible?

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Vinicius Pinto Avatar asked May 18 '11 22:05

Vinicius Pinto

People also ask

How do I enable Fonts in Eclipse?

Select Window (in a PC) and Eclipse (in a Mac), followed by Preferences→General→Editors→Text Editors. Select 'Colors and Fonts' in "See 'Colors and Fonts' to configure the font.

What is default font in Eclipse?

The default font style eclipse is using is Consolas however Courier New is also a good option to go with.

1 Answers

This depends on the type of file you're editing. For example, in Java:

Window menu -> Preferences -> Jave -> Editor -> Syntax Colouring -> Java (in the "Element" box) -> Keywords excluding 'return' -> Uncheck bold

Similarly for "Keyword 'return'".

Look at the preview to check everything you want is no longer bold.

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linuts Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 04:10
