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Can we use or integrate WordPress with ASP.NET?


We want to use WordPress with ASP.NET. Is it possible for ASP.NET and WordPress to work together? If not, what are the alternatives?

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Akbar Admg Avatar asked Jun 12 '11 07:06

Akbar Admg

2 Answers

You could run WordPress using Phalanger, which can execute PHP code on the .NET platform (faster that standard PHP!) and allows mixing the PHP and standard .NET languages/frameworks in a single application.

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skolima Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 20:10


Yes, it is actually possible.

Check out WP.NET:

WP.NET runs WordPress compiled on the robust, fast and secure .NET Core framework using the cutting edge PeachPie compiler platform.

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OutFall Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 19:10
