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How can I disable an <option> in a <select> based on its value in JavaScript?

I have a <select> with a number of <option>s. Each has a unique value. I need to disable an <option> with a given defined value (not innerhtml).

Anyone have an idea how?

like image 918
David Avatar asked Jan 28 '10 16:01


People also ask

How do I turn off select field?

The disabled attribute for <select> element in HTML is used to specify that the select element is disabled. A disabled drop-down list is un-clickable and unusable. It is a boolean attribute.

2 Answers

Set an id to the option then use get element by id and disable it when x value has been selected..


<body>       <select class="pull-right text-muted small"                   name="driveCapacity" id=driveCapacity onchange="checkRPM()">       <option value="4000.0" id="4000">4TB</option>       <option value="900.0" id="900">900GB</option>       <option value="300.0" id ="300">300GB</option>     </select>     </body> <script> var perfType = document.getElementById("driveRPM").value; if(perfType == "7200"){                  document.getElementById("driveCapacity").value = "4000.0";         document.getElementById("4000").disabled = false;                }else{                   document.getElementById("4000").disabled = true;                 }     </script> 
like image 28
Patricio Zambrano Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 01:09

Patricio Zambrano

JavaScript, in 2022

You can use querySelectorAll, and forEach off of the resulting NodeList to do this same thing more easily in 2022.

document.querySelectorAll("#foo option").forEach(opt => {     if (opt.value == "StackOverflow") {         opt.disabled = true;     } }); 

Do be mindful of string-comparisons, however. 'StackOverflow' and 'stackoverflow' are not the same string. As such, you can call .toLowerCase() on strings before comparing, or even go with a case-insensitive regular expression comparison like the this:

if ( /^stackoverflow$/i.test(option.value) ) {   option.disabled = true; } 

Pure Javascript (2010)

With pure Javascript, you'd have to cycle through each option, and check the value of it individually.

// Get all options within <select id='foo'>...</select> var op = document.getElementById("foo").getElementsByTagName("option"); for (var i = 0; i < op.length; i++) {   // lowercase comparison for case-insensitivity   (op[i].value.toLowerCase() == "stackoverflow")      ? op[i].disabled = true      : op[i].disabled = false ; } 

Without enabling non-targeted elements:

// Get all options within <select id='foo'>...</select> var op = document.getElementById("foo").getElementsByTagName("option"); for (var i = 0; i < op.length; i++) {   // lowercase comparison for case-insensitivity   if (op[i].value.toLowerCase() == "stackoverflow") {     op[i].disabled = true;   } } 


With jQuery you can do this with a single line:

$("option[value='stackoverflow']")   .attr("disabled", "disabled")   .siblings().removeAttr("disabled"); 

Without enabling non-targeted elements:

$("option[value='stackoverflow']").attr("disabled", "disabled"); 

​ Note that this is not case insensitive. "StackOverflow" will not equal "stackoverflow". To get a case-insensitive match, you'd have to cycle through each, converting the value to a lower case, and then check against that:

$("option").each(function(){   if ($(this).val().toLowerCase() == "stackoverflow") {     $(this).attr("disabled", "disabled").siblings().removeAttr("disabled");   } }); 

Without enabling non-targeted elements:

$("option").each(function(){   if ($(this).val().toLowerCase() == "stackoverflow") {     $(this).attr("disabled", "disabled");   } }); 
like image 162
Sampson Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 00:09
