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Apple Cover-flow effect using jQuery or other library?


  • is the best I ever found. a true 'CoverFlow', highly configurable, cross-browser, very smooth action, has relections and supports scroll wheel + keyboard control. - has to be what your looking for!

Not sure if you're talking about Coverflow (scroll through images) or Quicklook (preview files in lightbox), try editing your question.

Here's some JS Coverflow implementations:

  • MooFlow - Coverflow for MooTools
  • Coverflow in JS proof of concept
  • Coverflow using JS and CSS Transforms (Webkit only)

I think this is what you want http://addyosmani.com/blog/jqueryuicoverflow/

I tried using the the Jack's Asylum cover flow but it wouldn't let me easily remove and re-add an entire coverflow. I eventually found http://finnrudolph.de/ImageFlow and not only is it more reliable, it's easier to hook into, uses less markup, and doesn't jitter when flipping through images. It's by far the best I've found, and I've tried several on this page.

There is an Apple style Gallery Slider over at http://www.jqueryfordesigners.com/slider-gallery/ which uses jQuery and the UI.