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How can I determine the email client from email headers?

It seems like most popular email clients don't include the X-Mailer header. Is there any good method to determine if an email was sent by a popular client, such as Gmail, Outlook or Apple Mail?

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David Mihal Avatar asked Jul 02 '14 21:07

David Mihal

People also ask

How do I find the original email sender?

Tracing the Original Sender of an Email To trace the IP address of the original email sender, head to the first Received in the full email header. Alongside the first Received line is the IP address of the server that sent the email. Sometimes, this appears as X-Originating-IP or Original-IP.

What can email headers tell you?

Email headers are usually used to see information such as who has sent and received a message, where the message has passed through a server, and what kind of errors may have prevented the email from reaching its intended destination.

How do I analyze email headers in Outlook?

Double-click an email message to open it outside of the Reading Pane. Click File > Properties. Header information appears in the Internet headers box.

How do I read email headers?

Most email programs or websites (such as Gmail, Hotmail and Yahoo! Mail) allow you to view email headers by clicking on a box or link near the sender's address on the email viewing pane or window. Determine who sent the email by reading the "Received from" tags starting at the bottom.

1 Answers

As mentioned in the comments, the User-Agent header can be used to determine the client MUA.

If this header isn't present in any of the emails being tested, this answer suggests that you could also check other fields like the message-id since some email clients will generate a message-id of their own.

Some more information about different useful headers can be found here.

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AbsoluteSpace Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 07:09
