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How can I deploy my Angular 2 + Typescript + Webpack app


I am actually learning Angular 2 with Typescript and developed a little app by based on the angular-seed project (angular-seed). I have built the app for production purposes and got dist folder ready to be deployed containing my bundle files like this:

dist/                       main.bundle.js                 main.map            polyfills.bundle.js             polyfills.map               vendor.bundle.js            vendor.map 

However, as a fresher, I have no idea how to deploy it now on my EC2 server. I read that I have to config Nginx server to serve my static file but do I have to config it particularly to work with my bundle files?

Excuse my mistakes if any. Thanks a lot in advance!

like image 983
Antoine Guittet Avatar asked Sep 21 '16 09:09

Antoine Guittet

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In order to use a custom webpack config, you will need to add @angular-builders/custom-webpack and @angular-builders/dev-server to your project as devDependency packages: npm install --save-dev @angular-builders/custom-webpack @10.0.

1 Answers

You are on the right track.....

Just install the nginx on your EC2. In my case I had a linux Ubuntu 14.04 installed on "Digital Ocean".

First I updated the apt-get package lists:

sudo apt-get update 

Then install Nginx using apt-get:

sudo apt-get install nginx 

Then open the default server block configuration file for editing:

sudo vi /etc/nginx/sites-available/default 

Delete everything in this configuration file and paste the following content:

server {     listen 80 default_server;     root /path/dist-nginx;     index index.html index.htm;     server_name localhost;     location / {         try_files $uri $uri/ =404;     } }    

To make the changes active, restart the webserver nginx:

sudo service nginx restart 

Then copy index.html and the bundle files to /path/dist-nginx on your server and you are up and running.

like image 182
Herman Fransen Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 05:11

Herman Fransen