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How can I delete duplicates in MongoDb?

I have a large collection (~2.7 million documents) in mongodb, and there are a lot of duplicates. I tried running ensureIndex({id:1}, {unique:true, dropDups:true}) on the collection. Mongo churns away at it for a while before it decides that too many dups on index build with dropDups=true.

How can I add the index and get rid of the duplicates? Or the other way around, what's the best way to delete some dups so that mongo can successfully build the index?

For bonus points, why is there a limit to the number of dups that can be dropped?

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jches Avatar asked Feb 17 '12 23:02


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But it is good by considering way you want to remove duplicate documents. a. Remove all documents in one go b. You can delete documents one by one. Show activity on this post. Assuming you want to permanently delete docs that contain a duplicate name + nodes entry from the collection, you can add a unique index with the dropDups: true option:

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1 Answers

For bonus points, why is there a limit to the number of dups that can be dropped?

MongoDB is likely doing this to defend itself. If you dropDups on the wrong field, you could hose the entire dataset and lock down the DB with delete operations (which are "as expensive" as writes).

How can I add the index and get rid of the duplicates?

So the first question is why are you creating a unique index on the id field?

MongoDB creates a default _id field that is automatically unique and indexed. By default MongoDB populates the _id with an ObjectId, however, you can override this with whatever value you like. So if you have a ready set of ID values, you can use those.

If you cannot re-import the values, then copy them to a new collection while changing id into _id. You can then drop the old collection and rename the new one. (note that you will get a bunch of "duplicate key errors", ensure that your code catches and ignores them)

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Gates VP Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 14:09

Gates VP