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How can I delete an SSIS Package saved on SQL Server?

I have an SSIS package that I've saved under Maintenance Plans on SQL Server 2005. Though I can select SSIS packages, I am not sure how I can delete them.

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Sheehan Alam Avatar asked Jan 19 '09 18:01

Sheehan Alam

People also ask

How do I delete a deployed SSIS package?

There are two methods for deleting a package from the SSIS catalog: Use SSDT to remove the package from the SSIS project in the source code, and then redeploy the entire project. Delete the entire project from the SSIS catalog, and redeploy only the desired packages individually (not recommended)

Where is SSIS package saved in SQL Server?

The default folder is the Packages folder, located in %Program Files%\Microsoft SQL Server\100\DTS. The MSDB folder lists the Integration Services packages that have been saved to the SQL Server msdb database on the server. The sysssispackages table contains the packages saved to msdb.

How do I cancel a SSIS package?

Open SQL Server Management Studio. In Object Explorer, expand the Integration Services node, right-click SSISDB, and then click Active Operations. A new window will open with a Stop button where you can cancel a specific operation (a SSIS package that is executing).

2 Answers

John DaCosta's solution worked for me. I wrote the following query to output the deletion commands and pasted the results into a command shell window:

SELECT CONCAT('DTUTIL /SQL "\', f.foldername, '\', name, '" /DELETE /SourceServer MyServerName')
FROM msdb.dbo.sysssispackages s
JOIN msdb.dbo.sysssispackagefolders f
    on s.folderid = f.folderid
WHERE ownersid <> 0x01
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Registered User Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 18:11

Registered User

It sounds like you are trying to delete the package from Database Engine --> Management --> Maintenance Plans. Try connecting to "Integration Services" instead of the Database engine and look for the package you want to delete under Running Packages or Stored Packages.

From there you should be able to right click and delete.

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cmsjr Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 18:11
