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How can I define my controller using TypeScript?

How to define my controller using TypeScript. As right now it's in angular js but i want to change this for type script.So that the data can be retrieved quickly.

function CustomerCtrl($scope, $http, $templateCache){

    $scope.search = function(search)
        var Search = {
            AccountId: search.AccountId,
            checkActiveOnly: search.checkActiveOnly,
            checkParentsOnly: search.checkParentsOnly,
            listCustomerType: search.listCustomerType
        $scope.customer = [];
        $scope.ticket = [];
        $scope.services = [];
        $http.put('<%=ResolveUrl("API/Search/PutDoSearch")%>', Search).
            success(function(data, status, headers, config) {
                $scope.cust_File = data[0].customers;
                $scope.ticket_file = data[0].tickets;
                $scope.service_file = data[0].services;
            error(function(data, status)
                console.log("Request Failed");
like image 403
Shian JA Avatar asked May 27 '15 12:05

Shian JA

People also ask

What is controller in angular?

AngularJS applications are controlled by controllers. The ng-controller directive defines the application controller. A controller is a JavaScript Object, created by a standard JavaScript object constructor.

What is controller in JavaScript?

A controller is a function you write to control your data. With a self-written controller, you can modify data anyway you want: Convert to upper case. Convert currencies. Calculate and Summarize.

What is AngularJS TypeScript?

Angular is a modern framework built entirely in TypeScript, and as a result, using TypeScript with Angular provides a seamless experience. The Angular documentation not only supports TypeScript as a first-class citizen, but uses it as its primary language.

What is meant by controller in AngularJS?

AngularJS controllers are used to control the flow of data of AngularJS application. A controller is defined using ng-controller directive. A controller is a JavaScript object containing attributes/properties and functions.

1 Answers

There are 2 different ways to tackle this:

  • still using $scope
  • using controllerAs (recommended)

using $scope

class CustomCtrl{
    static $inject = ['$scope', '$http', '$templateCache'];
    constructor (
            private $scope,
            private $http,
            private $templateCache
        $scope.search = this.search;

    private search (search) {
        var Search = {
            AccountId: search.AccountId,
            checkActiveOnly: search.checkActiveOnly,
            checkParentsOnly: search.checkParentsOnly,
            listCustomerType: search.listCustomerType
        this.$scope.customer = [];
        this.$scope.ticket = [];
        this.$scope.services = [];
        this.$http.put('<%=ResolveUrl("API/Search/PutDoSearch")%>', Search).
                success((data, status, headers, config) => {
                    this.$scope.cust_File = data[0].customers;
                    this.$scope.ticket_file = data[0].tickets;
                    this.$scope.service_file = data[0].services;
                error((data, status) => {
                    console.log("Request Failed");


Using controllerAs

class CustomCtrl{
    public customer;
    public ticket;
    public services;
    public cust_File;
    public ticket_file;
    public service_file;

    static $inject = ['$scope', '$http', '$templateCache'];
    constructor (
            private $http,
            private $templateCache

    private search (search) {
        var Search = {
            AccountId: search.AccountId,
            checkActiveOnly: search.checkActiveOnly,
            checkParentsOnly: search.checkParentsOnly,
            listCustomerType: search.listCustomerType
        this.customer = [];
        this.ticket = [];
        this.services = [];
        this.$http.put('<%=ResolveUrl("API/Search/PutDoSearch")%>', Search).
                success((data, status, headers, config) => {
                    this.cust_File = data[0].customers;
                    this.ticket_file = data[0].tickets;
                    this.service_file = data[0].services;
                error((data, status) => {
                    console.log("Request Failed");


If you switch from $scope to controllerAs your view would change from:

<div ng-controller="CustomCtrl">


<div ng-controller="CustomCtrl as custom">

where custom is a representation of the controller so you are explicitly telling what you are binding to in your markup.

Note $inject is a way to provide angular with information about what dependencies to inject into your controller at run time even when the code has been minified (strings don't get minified)

like image 158
Brocco Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 01:09
