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How can I define a default getter and setter using ECMAScript 5?

How can I specify a default getter for a prototype? With default getter I mean a function that is called if obj.undefinedProperty123 is called.

I tried Object.prototype.get = function(property) {..} but this is not called in this case.

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Manuel Avatar asked Jun 24 '10 18:06


People also ask

What does .get do in JavaScript?

get() method in JavaScript is used to allow users to get the property from an object as a function. This method always returns the value of the property.

Can getters and setters have the same name JavaScript?

You can only have one getter or setter per name, on an object. (So you can have both one value getter and one value setter, but not two 'value' getters.) The only way to delete a getter or setter is to do: 'delete object[name];' Be aware, that this command is capable of deleting normal properties, getters and setters.

What is the difference between getter and setter in JavaScript?

Getters and setters allow us to define Object Accessors. The difference between them is that the former is used to get the property from the object whereas the latter is used to set a property in an object.

2 Answers

In ECMAScript 5, you can only intercept get/set operations on specific named properties (not universally all properties) via Object.defineProperty:

Object.defineProperty(someObj, "someProp", {
    get: function() {
        console.log("you tried to get someObj.someProp");
        return "foo";

Here, the get function will run any time code tries to read someObj.someProp.

In the upcoming ECMAScript 6 draft, this will be possible via proxies. A proxy has an underlying target object and set/get functions. Any time a set or get operation happens on any of a proxy's properties, the appropriate function runs, taking as arguments the proxy's target object, property name used, and the value used in a set attempt.

var proxyHandler = {
    get: function(obj, name){
        console.log("you're getting property " + name);
        return target[name];
    set: function(obj, name, value) {
        console.log("you're setting property " + name);
        target[name] = value;

var underlyingObj = {};

// use prox instead of underlyingObj to use get/set interceptor functions
var prox = new Proxy(underlyingObj, proxyHandler);

Here, setting to getting property values on prox will cause the set/get functions to run.

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apsillers Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 12:10


What Gareth said, except it's __noSuchMethod__.

Or maybe you were thinking of PHP?

Here's a very good article on the recently standardized property getters/setters, highlighting some previous non-standard incarnations.


summary: there's no standard 'catch-all' getter / setter (yet), but Object.defineProperty is the future.

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Dagg Nabbit Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 12:10

Dagg Nabbit