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How can I create triggers for a postgreSQL db using liquibase?

I'm using the dropwizard-migrations module for liquibase db refactoring. See the guide here: http://dropwizard.codahale.com/manual/migrations/

When I run java -jar my_project.jar db migrate my_project.yml

I get the following error:

ERROR [2013-09-11 20:53:43,089] liquibase: Change Set migrations.xml::11::me failed. Error: Error executing SQL CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER add_current_date_to_my_table BEFORE UPDATE ON my_table FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE change_update_time();: ERROR: syntax error at or near "TRIGGER" Position: 19

Here are some relevant changesets from my migrations.xml file:

<changeSet id="1" author="me">
        CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION change_update_time() RETURNS trigger
        LANGUAGE plpgsql
        AS $$
        NEW.updated_at := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
        RETURN NEW;
        DROP FUNCTION change_update_time();

<changeSet id="2" author="me">
            <tableExists tableName="my_table"/>

    <createTable tableName="my_table">
        <column name="_id" type="integer" defaultValue="0">
            <constraints nullable="false"/>
        <column name="updated_at" type="timestamp without time zone" defaultValue="now()">
            <constraints nullable="false"/>

<changeSet id="3" author="me">
    <sql splitStatements="false">
        CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER add_current_date_to_my_table BEFORE UPDATE ON my_table FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE change_update_time();
        DROP TRIGGER add_current_date_to_my_table ON my_table;

Is there any way I can create the trigger add_current_date_to_my_table? Is this redundant with the "RETURNS trigger" from creating the function?

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Ann Kilzer Avatar asked Sep 11 '13 20:09

Ann Kilzer

People also ask

How do you make a trigger on liquibase?

To create a trigger in your database, follow these steps: Step 1: Add the createTrigger Change Type to your changeset with the needed attributes as it is shown in the examples. Step 2: Deploy your changeset by running the update command. Now, you should see that the trigger you've specified is added.

How do I create a trigger in PostgreSQL?

Syntax. CREATE TRIGGER trigger_name [BEFORE|AFTER|INSTEAD OF] event_name ON table_name [ -- Trigger logic goes here.... ]; Here, event_name could be INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE, and TRUNCATE database operation on the mentioned table table_name. You can optionally specify FOR EACH ROW after table name.

Does liquibase support PostgreSQL?

To use Liquibase and PostgreSQL, you need the JDBC driver JAR file (Maven download). The latest version of Liquibase has a pre-installed driver for this database in the liquibase/internal/lib directory. For more information, see Adding and Updating Liquibase Drivers.

1 Answers

The solution is:

<changeSet id="3" author="me">
        DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS add_current_date_to_my_table ON my_table;
        CREATE TRIGGER add_current_date_to_my_table BEFORE UPDATE ON my_table FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE change_update_time();
        DROP TRIGGER add_current_date_to_my_table ON my_table;

H/T Jens.

like image 144
Ann Kilzer Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 12:09

Ann Kilzer