I have a table that holds phone calls, with the following fields:
There are 2,9 million records loaded into a local PostgreSQL database. I added indexes on ID (unique index), starttime and endtime.
Searching on stackoverflow, I found some useful SQL and modified it to what I think logically should work. The problem is that the query runs for many hours and never returns:
SELECT T1.sid, count(*) as CountSimultaneous
FROM calls_nov T1, calls_nov T2
T1.StartTime between T2.StartTime and T2.EndTime
and T1.StartTime between '2011-11-02' and '2011-11-03'
ORDER BY CountSimultaneous DESC;
Can someone please either suggest a way to fix the query/index so that it actually works or suggest another way to calculate concurrent calls?
Explain plan:
Sort (cost=11796758237.81..11796758679.47 rows=176663 width=35)
Sort Key: (count(*))
-> GroupAggregate (cost=0.00..11796738007.56 rows=176663 width=35)
-> Nested Loop (cost=0.00..11511290152.45 rows=57089217697 width=35)
Table creation script:
CREATE TABLE calls_nov (
sid varchar,
starttime timestamp,
endtime timestamp,
call_to varchar,
call_from varchar,
status varchar);
Index creation:
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX sid_unique_index on calls_nov (sid);
CREATE INDEX starttime_index on calls_nov (starttime);
CREATE INDEX endtime_index on calls_nov (endtime);
T-SQL doesn't provide a built-in function to count the number of times a particular string appears within another string, so to find out how many times a word appears in a row, you have to build your own count function. SQL Server 2000 lets you create this kind of user-defined function (UDF).
Select TOP 1 City, Count(City) AS 'MAX_COUNT' FROM Customer Group By City Order By 'MAX_COUNT' DESC; Hope this simple query will help many one. Show activity on this post. If you are using Oracle Database, you can simply use stats_mode function this will return single value with highest occurrences.
mysql> SELECT COUNT(*) AS NUMBEROFCOLUMNS FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA. COLUMNS -> WHERE table_schema = 'business' AND table_name = 'NumberOfColumns'; The output displays the number of columns.
Here's what the possible overlaps look like, where 'A' is the "reference" interval. Note that the query below (far, far below) doesn't give the same result as any of the answers yet posted.
-- A |------|
-- B |-|
-- C |---|
-- D |---|
-- E |---|
-- F |---|
-- G |---|
-- H |---|
-- I |---|
"B" doesn't overlap "A" at all. "C" abuts it. {"D", "E", "F", "G"} overlaps it. "H" abuts it. "I" doesn't overlap it at all.
create table calls_nov (
sid varchar(5) primary key,
starttime timestamp not null,
endtime timestamp not null
insert into calls_nov values
('A', '2012-01-04 08:00:00', '2012-01-04 08:00:10'),
('B', '2012-01-04 07:50:00', '2012-01-04 07:50:03'),
('C', '2012-01-04 07:59:57', '2012-01-04 08:00:00'),
('D', '2012-01-04 07:59:57', '2012-01-04 08:00:03'),
('E', '2012-01-04 08:00:01', '2012-01-04 08:00:04'),
('F', '2012-01-04 08:00:07', '2012-01-04 08:00:10'),
('G', '2012-01-04 08:00:07', '2012-01-04 08:00:13'),
('H', '2012-01-04 08:00:10', '2012-01-04 08:00:13'),
('I', '2012-01-04 08:00:15', '2012-01-04 08:00:18');
You can see all the overlapping intervals like this. (I just used to_char() to make it easy to see all the data. You can omit it in production.)
select t1.sid, to_char(t1.starttime, 'HH12:MI:SS'),
to_char(t1.endtime, 'HH12:MI:SS'),
t2.sid, to_char(t2.starttime, 'HH12:MI:SS'),
to_char(t2.endtime, 'HH12:MI:SS')
from calls_nov t1
inner join calls_nov t2 on (t2.starttime, t2.endtime)
overlaps (t1.starttime, t1.endtime)
order by t1.sid, t2.sid;
A 08:00:00 08:00:10 A 08:00:00 08:00:10
A 08:00:00 08:00:10 D 07:59:57 08:00:03
A 08:00:00 08:00:10 E 08:00:01 08:00:04
A 08:00:00 08:00:10 F 08:00:07 08:00:10
A 08:00:00 08:00:10 G 08:00:07 08:00:13
B 07:50:00 07:50:03 B 07:50:00 07:50:03
C 07:59:57 08:00:00 C 07:59:57 08:00:00
C 07:59:57 08:00:00 D 07:59:57 08:00:03
D 07:59:57 08:00:03 A 08:00:00 08:00:10
D 07:59:57 08:00:03 C 07:59:57 08:00:00
D 07:59:57 08:00:03 D 07:59:57 08:00:03
D 07:59:57 08:00:03 E 08:00:01 08:00:04
E 08:00:01 08:00:04 A 08:00:00 08:00:10
E 08:00:01 08:00:04 D 07:59:57 08:00:03
E 08:00:01 08:00:04 E 08:00:01 08:00:04
F 08:00:07 08:00:10 A 08:00:00 08:00:10
F 08:00:07 08:00:10 F 08:00:07 08:00:10
F 08:00:07 08:00:10 G 08:00:07 08:00:13
G 08:00:07 08:00:13 A 08:00:00 08:00:10
G 08:00:07 08:00:13 F 08:00:07 08:00:10
G 08:00:07 08:00:13 G 08:00:07 08:00:13
G 08:00:07 08:00:13 H 08:00:10 08:00:13
H 08:00:10 08:00:13 G 08:00:07 08:00:13
H 08:00:10 08:00:13 H 08:00:10 08:00:13
I 08:00:15 08:00:18 I 08:00:15 08:00:18
You can see from this table that "A" should count 5, including itself. "B" should count 1; it overlaps itself, but no other intervals overlap it. That seems the right thing to do.
Counting is straightforward, but runs like a ruptured turtle. That's because evaluating an overlap takes a lot of work.
select t1.sid, count(t2.sid) as num_concurrent
from calls_nov t1
inner join calls_nov t2 on (t2.starttime, t2.endtime)
overlaps (t1.starttime, t1.endtime)
group by t1.sid
order by num_concurrent desc;
A 5
D 4
G 4
E 3
F 3
H 2
C 2
I 1
B 1
To get better performance, you can use the "table" above in a common table expression, and count based on that.
with interval_table as (
select t1.sid as sid_1, t1.starttime, t1.endtime,
t2.sid as sid_2, t2.starttime, t2.endtime
from calls_nov t1
inner join calls_nov t2 on (t2.starttime, t2.endtime)
overlaps (t1.starttime, t1.endtime)
order by t1.sid, t2.sid
select sid_1, count(sid_2) as num_concurrent
from interval_table
group by sid_1
order by num_concurrent desc;
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