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How can I create a tabset in this flexdashboard layout

Pretty sure i'm missing something obvious here but..

enter image description here

How would I reconfigure the code so that chart 3 is a tabset?


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pssguy Avatar asked Sep 08 '16 23:09


People also ask

How do you make a Flexdashboard in R?

Create Flexdashboard Layout Initialize a Flexdashboard from R Studio using File > New File > R markdown > From Template > Flex Dashboard, save, and knit the document.

How do I add a sidebar to my Flexdashboard?

You add an input sidebar to a flexdashboard by adding the {. sidebar} attribute to a column, which indicates that it should be laid out flush to the left with a default width of 250 pixels and a special background color.

What is Flexdashboard?

The goal of flexdashboard is to make it easy to create interactive dashboards for R, using R Markdown. Use R Markdown to publish a group of related data visualizations as a dashboard.

2 Answers

In order to provide an answer (an unsatisfactory one, tough), it is to point out that this is a known issue, and currently does not have a solution in flexdashboard.

Source in Github: https://github.com/rstudio/flexdashboard/issues/37

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elcortegano Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 00:10


As I dont have your code, you can try something like:

Column {.tabset}
### chart 3

It might work. More specifications about this you can find in the flexdashboard webpage (the same one from the print screen).

like image 38
Bruna Wundervald Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 00:10

Bruna Wundervald