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How can I copy & paste, or duplicate, an existing project?

I've got an existing Hudson project that is configured and working.

I need to duplicate the project so that I can have the original and then change the new one so that it points to a different source control.

I don't want to manually recreate the build. How can i "copy & paste" or otherwise duplicate the exiting build configuration, so I can get the new build configuration up and running faster?

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Derick Bailey Avatar asked Jun 28 '10 15:06

Derick Bailey

People also ask

How can I copy with keyboard?

Select the text you want to copy and press Ctrl+C. Place your cursor where you want to paste the copied text and press Ctrl+V.

1 Answers

Click on "new job" and then select "Copy existing job" at the bottom. Then enter the name of the job you want to copy into the text field.

like image 164
Thomas Lötzer Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 04:09

Thomas Lötzer