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How can I configure Eclipse, GCC, and OpenOCD to work with the STM32F4Discovery board?

I am in possession of an STM32F4Discovery board, which contains both an STM32F4 microcontroller, and an ST-LINKv2 debugger interface. I would like to do some simple C programming on this setup, and would like to use freely available tools to do it.

Here's what I do know:

  • Eclipse can be configured to cross-compile for various ARM targets using a variety of toolchains, such as YAGARTO, or others.
  • Eclipse can use GDB to do remote debugging.
  • OpenOCD provides a GDB server.
  • OpenOCD (in the latest version) supports both the ST-LINKv2, and the STM32F4Discovery board specifically (there is a script for this board included).

Here's what I don't know: how to put these pieces together into a coherent whole. I believe that all the necessary moving parts exist, but I'm at a loss on how to assemble them. I have found bits and pieces, often beginning with things like, "Install Eclipse Indigo". Is there a simple tutorial, or a list of steps, or things to check?

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Mark Avatar asked Sep 11 '12 19:09


1 Answers

I have found a tutorial using the following toolchains:

  • Gnu make
  • Gnu tools ARM embedded
  • OpenOCD
  • OpenOCD -> stlink connection

The tutorial explains clearly how to get from a plastic packed stm to a working eclipse enviroment capable of programming and debugging your stm. I got my stm32f0-discovery working with this tutorial. So for you i guess your stm32f4 would work aswel. If you can' t figure it out. I also got a stm32f4discovery but i just did not had the time to look at it but i still wanted to, so mabey its a good reason to start with it for myself. so i can help you getting it going.

tutorial link

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Bart Teunissen Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 13:09

Bart Teunissen