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Runnable jar with jvm args

I was trying to create a runnable jar file using Eclipse.
The problem is that the vm parameters I have added to the run configuration in the Eclipse were not saved in any way.

I know I can create a batch file that will run the jar with the needed arguments, but I would prefer my users will just run the jar itself.

My question is therefore, is there any way to pass vm arguments to the runnable jar not by command line?

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Avi Y Avatar asked Feb 13 '10 10:02

Avi Y

1 Answers

Briefly, you can't do this without some form of wrapper. You can write a .bat file and/or a .sh script to invoke the JVM with appropriate settings.

You may also want to check out JavaServiceWrapper, which provides a means to wrap a .jar with executable params and let it run as a standalone or service (despite its name). It has a set of features to allow you to control the JVM execution in a variety of fashions.

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Brian Agnew Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 10:11

Brian Agnew