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How can I combine two arrays into one array in Kotlin?




I want to make one array from two arrays.

I tried to do use +:

var array1 = intArrayOf(1,2,3)
var array2 = intArrayOf(4,5,6)
var array3 = array1 + array2

But it is not working unfortunately... How can I combine them?

like image 479
RobotVice2001 Avatar asked Jan 23 '18 06:01


People also ask

How do I combine two arrays into a new array?

The concat() method concatenates (joins) two or more arrays. The concat() method returns a new array, containing the joined arrays. The concat() method does not change the existing arrays.

How do I combine two arrays?

To merge elements from one array to another, we must first iterate(loop) through all the array elements. In the loop, we will retrieve each element from an array and insert(using the array push() method) to another array. Now, we can call the merge() function and pass two arrays as the arguments for merging.

How do I create an array of arrays in Kotlin?

There are two ways to define an array in Kotlin. We can use the library function arrayOf() to create an array by passing the values of the elements to the function. Since Array is a class in Kotlin, we can also use the Array constructor to create an array.

How do I add an array in Kotlin?

The arrayOf method is the standard way to create a new array in Kotlin. It expects a varargs type (a variable number of elements) as a parameter. The spread operator transforms an array into a varargs type. This way, we can simply pass the arrays in whichever order we prefer.

3 Answers

Actually, your exact code works for me. Tried it on multiple Kotlin versions. You can find the operator fun IntArray.plus(elements: IntArray): IntArray function that's being used for this in the docs here, and its source here.

var array1 = intArrayOf(1, 2, 3)        // 1, 2, 3
var array2 = intArrayOf(4, 5, 6)        // 4, 5 ,6
var array3 = array1 + array2            // 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Are you perhaps looking to do something different, like add the elements one by one and create a new array of length 3? You can do that like this:

val array4 = array1.zip(array2, Int::plus).toTypedArray()    // 5, 7, 9

The extra toTypedArray call is necessary only if you actually need an array, otherwise you can use the List<Int> that the zip function returns.

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zsmb13 Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 10:10


Using the spread operator:

var array3 = intArrayOf(*array1, *array2)

This could be especially useful when you need to add some custom elements between the arrays, like intArrayOf(7, *array1, 8, 9, *array2, 10, 11).

Note spreading is much more efficient than plus-ing, because it creates only one resulting array. Using an equivalent plus version of the above spread example may us 5x more space and take 5x more time.

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TWiStErRob Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 10:10


I am adding some other ways to merge two arrays.

var array1 = intArrayOf(1, 2, 3)
var array2 = intArrayOf(4, 5, 6)

Way 1:

var array3 = array1 + array2

It will print [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]. This one is given above.

You can replace the + by plus() method.

var array3 = array1.plus(array2)

It will also work the same. When you are using +, at that time it actually calls the plus() method.

Way 2:

var array3 = array1.union(array2.asList())

It will print [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6].

union() method can take a collection as parameters. It can merge two arrays but it returns a Set. So, we will have unique data but it will merge two arrays.

Way 3:

var mergedArraySize = array1.size + array2.size
var mergedArray = IntArray(mergedArraySize)
var pos = 0;
for (value in array1) {
    mergedArray[pos] = value
for (value in array2) {
    mergedArray[pos] = value

It will also print [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6].

like image 34
Avijit Karmakar Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 10:10

Avijit Karmakar