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How can I color the area below several normal distributions?

After several tries, I finally could obtained a unique figure with several normal distributions. In those distributions, the 1sd was also drawn as vertical rectangles. The code I used is this one:



remap<-function(x, to, from=range(x)) {
    (x-from[1]) / (from[2]-from[1]) * (to[2]-to[1]) + to[1] 

plot(NA, NA, xaxt="n", yaxt="n", type="n", xlim=scale, ylim=scale, xlab="Variable X", ylab="")
rect(remap(134-20, scale, range(x1)), scale[1],
     remap(134+20, scale, range(x1)), scale[2], col="#ff606025")
rect(remap(130-14, scale, range(x1)), scale[1],
     remap(130+14, scale, range(x1)), scale[2], col="#005ccd40")
rect(remap(132-12, scale, range(x1)), scale[1],
     remap(132+12, scale, range(x1)), scale[2], col="#005ccd40")
rect(remap(105-10, scale, range(x1)), scale[1],
     remap(105+10, scale, range(x1)), scale[2], col="#005ccd40")
rect(remap(183, scale, range(x1)), scale[1],
     remap(183, scale, range(x1)), scale[2], col="darkblue", lwd=3,lty=3)

lines(remap(x1,scale), a1, col="#ff6060", lwd=3)
lines(remap(x1,scale), b1, col="#005ccd", lwd=3, lty=3)
lines(remap(x1,scale), c1, col="#005ccd", lwd=3)
lines(remap(x1,scale), d1, col="#005ccd", lwd=3,lty=3)

axis(1, at=remap(pretty(x1), scale), pretty(x1))

I got the next figure after running the code: enter image description here

But my question is: how can I color only the area below each normal distribution, instead of doing vertical rectangles?

It would be much easier to interpret.

Thanks in advance!

like image 513
antecessor Avatar asked Dec 10 '22 22:12


1 Answers

Here's another version using ggvis:


## -- data generation copied from @NickK -- ##
data.frame(group = letters[1:4],
           m = c(130, 134, 132, 105),
           s = c(20, 14, 12, 10)) %>%
  group_by(group) %>%
  do(data_frame(group = .$group,
                x = 50:200,
                y = dnorm(x, .$m, .$s),
                withinSd = abs(x - .$m) <= .$s)) %>%
## ---------------------------------------- ##
  mutate(dash = ifelse(grepl("a|d", group), 5, 0),
         color = ifelse(grepl("a|c|d", group), "blue", "red"))  %>%
  ggvis() %>%
  layer_paths(~x, ~y, stroke := ~color, strokeDash := ~dash) %>%
  filter(withinSd) %>%
  layer_ribbons(~x, ~y, y2 = ~y-y, fill := ~color, fillOpacity := 0.2) %>%
  hide_legend("fill") %>%
  add_axis("y", title_offset = 50)

enter image description here

like image 88
Steven Beaupré Avatar answered Dec 14 '22 00:12

Steven Beaupré