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How can I clear the Jest cache?



People also ask

Does jest have cache?

To clear Jest's cache, you can do either of the following: Use the Jest --clearCache CLI Option; Locate and Remove the Cache Directory.

What is jest cache?

Jest stores useful information in the cache, which improves the performance of your test suite. Reduced startup time Jest stores information about the file structure and mocks you create in your tests. By restoring the previous jest-haste-map data, it reduces the amount of work jest has to do at startup.

How does jest know which files to run?

Jest will look for test files with any of the following popular naming conventions: Files with . js suffix in __tests__ folders. Files with .

As of Jest 22.0.0+, you can use the --clearCache option:

Deletes the Jest cache directory and then exits without running tests. Will delete cacheDirectory if the option is passed, or Jest's default cache directory.

Just run:

jest --clearCache

If you have installed Jest as a dependency in your Node.js project and the jest command doesn't work, just create a new script inside your package.json file.

    "scripts:" {
        "clear_jest": "jest --clearCache"

And then, run in your terminal:

npm run clear_jest

With modern NPM, you could also run (credits to johny):

npx jest --clearCache

You can find the cache location by running jest --showConfig. Look for the cacheDirectory key. Its value is the name of the folder you'll need to remove.

First, you need to know the Jest version:

yarn jest --version

Jest >= 22.0.0

yarn jest --clearCache

Jest < 22.0.0

yarn jest --showConfig | grep cacheDir

Returns (you need to remove that folder)

      "cacheDirectory": "/tmp/jest_rs",

Then, you remove it

rm -rf /tmp/jest_rs

If you don’t use Yarn, do instructions with npx jest.