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How can I change the Read/Write Permissions of /mnt/SDcard folder on Kindle Fire?

I am trying to develop Amazon In-app in android. For this i download the sample code for from this site https://developer.amazon.com/sdk/in-app-purchasing/sample-code/button-clicker.html. This article suggests that we have to put a file amazon.sdktester.json in mnt/sdkcard folder of device. For this i read article from this site https://developer.amazon.com/sdk/fire/connect-adb.html#InstallApp and do the same. But when i tried to push file on sdcard the eclipse gives me following error:

[2012-11-19 13:39:39 - ddms] transfer error: Permission denied

[2012-11-19 13:39:39] Failed to push selection: Permission denied

enter image description here

Is there any way to change the permissions of root folder of Kindle Fire.

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User42590 Avatar asked Nov 19 '12 09:11


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To move them all at once, or in large amounts, you can connect the tablet to a computer via USB cord, then move the files over to an empty folder on the computer. Once there, and still connected via USB, you can then move or copy the files over to the SD card.

How do I change the read/write permissions on a target disk?

Locate the drive letter that presents your device. Right-click on it, and select "Properties". Step 4. Navigate to the Security tab, in the middle of the Properties window; you'll see 'To change permissions, click Edit'. This is where you can change read/write permission on the target disk.

How do I change the permissions of the /MNT Directory?

Firstly, only root (by default) may change permissions to the /mnt directory itself since it's owned by root:root - so attempting to modify it's permissions will fail as non-root. You likely want to make this easier on yourself by creating a subdirectory inside /mnt, changing it's permissions, then mounting there.

Can I change the read/write permission on a flash disk/memory card?

However, 99% of the users change the read/write permission on a flash disk/memory card because the device has a physical problem. 99% of the cases cannot be solved. But if you are the 0.1% of people whose device doesn't have a physical problem, you can solve your problem with the solutions below.

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1 Answers

Please try to use chmod command in the ADB shell...

Following are some chmod sample:

  1. Add single permission to a file/directory

Changing permission to a single set. + symbol means adding permission. For example, do the following to give execute permission for the user irrespective of anything else:

$ chmod u+x filename
  1. Add multiple permission to a file/directory

Use comma to separate the multiple permission sets as shown below.

$ chmod u+r,g+x filename

  1. Remove permission from a file/directory

Following example removes read and write permission for the user.

$ chmod u-rx filename

  1. Change permission for all roles on a file/directory

Following example assigns execute privilege to user, group and others (basically anybody can execute this file).

$ chmod a+x filename

  1. Make permission for a file same as another file (using reference)

If you want to change a file permission same as another file, use the reference option as shown below. In this example, file2′s permission will be set exactly same as file1′s permission.

$ chmod --reference=file1 file2

  1. Apply the permission to all the files under a directory recursively

Use option -R to change the permission recursively as shown below.

$ chmod -R 755 directory-name/

  1. Change execute permission only on the directories (files are not affected)

On a particular directory if you have multiple sub-directories and files, the following command will assign execute permission only to all the sub-directories in the current directory (not the files in the current directory).

$ chmod u+X *

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Praful Bhatnagar Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 03:11

Praful Bhatnagar