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How can I change the line style of the indent guides?

Visual Studio 2017 comes with built-in support for indent guides:

Indent Guides ­– dotted, gray vertical lines act as landmarks in code to provide context within your frame of view. You may recognize these from the popular Productivity Power Tools.

Here's a screenshot demonstrating this:

VS2017 screenshot of indent guides

I've been using Steve Dower's Indent Guides extension for years now, which supports changing the line style:

VS2015 screenshot of indent guides and line style options

Is it possible to change the line style in VS 2017? I had a look in the Options but couldn't find anything relevant.

like image 719
user247702 Avatar asked Mar 09 '17 13:03


People also ask

What is indent guide?

Indent Guides for Visual StudioGuides can be displayed at the indent specified in your settings, regardless of tabs or spaces, or wherever text has been indented to. Page width markers can be displayed at a fixed location and will change color when code extends past them.

How do I indent in Visual Studio?

Visual studio's smart indenting does automatically indenting, but we can select a block or all the code for indentation. Use either of the two ways to indentation the code: Shift + Tab , Ctrl + k + f .

1 Answers

From everything I can see, there is unfortunately no way to do this, aside from using a different extension. If you use ctrl+Q to search (FYI, ctrl+Q is a great feature that many people don't notice), and search for "guide" you will see it only returns a single configuration option:

Text Editor -> General -> Show structure guide lines

So apparently, all you can do is turn it on or off and change the color of the lines. This can be done by going to Environment -> Fonts and Colors and looking for "Structure Guide Lines."

like image 161
dmeglio Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 01:09
