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How can I change the file sorting of VS Code?

In my project I have files labeled as such day1.txt, day2.txt, day3.txt, etc.

Now in my normal file system they are listed in the correct order:

day1.txt day2.txt .... day10.txt day11.txt 

In VS Code they are listed like so:

day1.txt day10.txt day11.txt day2.txt day3.txt 

Is there a setting somewhere to change this? It is driving me mad.

I've given the settings a search and I didn't see any obvious parameter to change that would affect this.

like image 684
jwang Avatar asked Dec 01 '16 21:12


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1 Answers

Yes there is a way.

In your Settings (File → Preferences → Settings) search for: explorer.sortOrder

A small pen will appear on the left side of the setting. Select the way you want to sort the files. There are five options available:

  1. Default
  2. Mixed
  3. Files first
  4. Type
  5. Modified

enter image description here

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Ayan Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 10:09
