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How can I change the axis position for pairs()?




By default, pairs() puts the axes on all sides of the plot, alternating between the sides. However, I'm putting the correlation between the data sets in the upper triangle, so I want to adjust the axis position like this:

this is how it should look like

Which parameters do I need to set?

like image 283
Michael Kuhn Avatar asked Mar 13 '12 08:03

Michael Kuhn

Video Answer

1 Answers

You could custumize the pairs function. If you look at the code, the axis are drawn within 2 nested for-loops (one for rows and one for colums):

Here is a custimized pairs function, were I just edited the sides in localAxis() within these for-loops:

pairs2 <- 
  function (x, labels, panel = points, ..., lower.panel = panel, 
            upper.panel = panel, diag.panel = NULL, text.panel = textPanel, 
            label.pos = 0.5 + has.diag/3, cex.labels = NULL, font.labels = 1, 
            row1attop = TRUE, gap = 1) 
    textPanel <- function(x = 0.5, y = 0.5, txt, cex, font) text(x, 
                                                                 y, txt, cex = cex, font = font)
    localAxis <- function(side, x, y, xpd, bg, col = NULL, main, 
                          oma, ...) {
      if (side%%2 == 1) 
        Axis(x, side = side, xpd = NA, ...)
      else Axis(y, side = side, xpd = NA, ...)
    localPlot <- function(..., main, oma, font.main, cex.main) plot(...)
    localLowerPanel <- function(..., main, oma, font.main, cex.main) lower.panel(...)
    localUpperPanel <- function(..., main, oma, font.main, cex.main) upper.panel(...)
    localDiagPanel <- function(..., main, oma, font.main, cex.main) diag.panel(...)
    dots <- list(...)
    nmdots <- names(dots)
    if (!is.matrix(x)) {
      x <- as.data.frame(x)
      for (i in seq_along(names(x))) {
        if (is.factor(x[[i]]) || is.logical(x[[i]])) 
          x[[i]] <- as.numeric(x[[i]])
        if (!is.numeric(unclass(x[[i]]))) 
          stop("non-numeric argument to 'pairs'")
    else if (!is.numeric(x)) 
      stop("non-numeric argument to 'pairs'")
    panel <- match.fun(panel)
    if ((has.lower <- !is.null(lower.panel)) && !missing(lower.panel)) 
      lower.panel <- match.fun(lower.panel)
    if ((has.upper <- !is.null(upper.panel)) && !missing(upper.panel)) 
      upper.panel <- match.fun(upper.panel)
    if ((has.diag <- !is.null(diag.panel)) && !missing(diag.panel)) 
      diag.panel <- match.fun(diag.panel)
    if (row1attop) {
      tmp <- lower.panel
      lower.panel <- upper.panel
      upper.panel <- tmp
      tmp <- has.lower
      has.lower <- has.upper
      has.upper <- tmp
    nc <- ncol(x)
    if (nc < 2) 
      stop("only one column in the argument to 'pairs'")
    has.labs <- TRUE
    if (missing(labels)) {
      labels <- colnames(x)
      if (is.null(labels)) 
        labels <- paste("var", 1L:nc)
    else if (is.null(labels)) 
      has.labs <- FALSE
    oma <- if ("oma" %in% nmdots) 
    else NULL
    main <- if ("main" %in% nmdots) 
    else NULL
    if (is.null(oma)) {
      oma <- c(4, 4, 4, 4)
      if (!is.null(main)) 
        oma[3L] <- 6
    opar <- par(mfrow = c(nc, nc), mar = rep.int(gap/2, 4), oma = oma)
    on.exit(dev.flush(), add = TRUE)
    for (i in if (row1attop) 
         else nc:1L) for (j in 1L:nc) {
           localPlot(x[, j], x[, i], xlab = "", ylab = "", axes = FALSE, 
                     type = "n", ...)
           if (i == j || (i < j && has.lower) || (i > j && has.upper)) {
             # edited here...
             #           if (i == 1 && (!(j%%2) || !has.upper || !has.lower)) 
             #           localAxis(1 + 2 * row1attop, x[, j], x[, i], 
             #                       ...)
             # draw x-axis
             if (i == nc & j != nc) 
               localAxis(1, x[, j], x[, i], 
             # draw y-axis
             if (j == 1 & i != 1) 
               localAxis(2, x[, j], x[, i], ...)
             #           if (j == nc && (i%%2 || !has.upper || !has.lower)) 
             #             localAxis(4, x[, j], x[, i], ...)
             mfg <- par("mfg")
             if (i == j) {
               if (has.diag) 
                 localDiagPanel(as.vector(x[, i]), ...)
               if (has.labs) {
                 par(usr = c(0, 1, 0, 1))
                 if (is.null(cex.labels)) {
                   l.wid <- strwidth(labels, "user")
                   cex.labels <- max(0.8, min(2, 0.9/max(l.wid)))
                 text.panel(0.5, label.pos, labels[i], cex = cex.labels, 
                            font = font.labels)
             else if (i < j) 
               localLowerPanel(as.vector(x[, j]), as.vector(x[, 
                                                              i]), ...)
             else localUpperPanel(as.vector(x[, j]), as.vector(x[, 
                                                                 i]), ...)
             if (any(par("mfg") != mfg)) 
               stop("the 'panel' function made a new plot")
           else par(new = FALSE)
    if (!is.null(main)) {
      font.main <- if ("font.main" %in% nmdots) 
      else par("font.main")
      cex.main <- if ("cex.main" %in% nmdots) 
      else par("cex.main")
      mtext(main, 3, 3, TRUE, 0.5, cex = cex.main, font = font.main)
pairs2(iris[1:4], main = "Anderson's Iris Data -- 3 species",pch = 21, bg = c("red", "green3", "blue")[unclass(iris$Species)])

enter image description here

Edit Changed pairs2(), so that the axis appear only on the lower diagonal.

like image 191
EDi Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 09:10