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How can I call VueJS method in jest of typescript?

I'm writing test code in VueCLI with TypeScript and Jest.

I called Vue file's method to test the method.

However, an error has occurred as follows.


    <div class="hello">

<script lang="ts">
import { Component, Prop, Vue } from 'vue-property-decorator';

export default class HelloWorld extends Vue {
    public testMethod() {
        return true;

<style scoped lang="scss">


import { shallowMount } from '@vue/test-utils';
import HelloWorld from '@/components/HelloWorld.vue';

describe('HelloWorld.vue', () => {
    it('testMethod', () => {
        const wrapper = shallowMount(HelloWorld, {
            propsData: { 'test' },

An error occurred after unit test command execution.

tests/unit/example.spec.ts:9:20 - error TS2551: Property 'testMethod' does not exist on type 'Wrapper<CombinedVueInstance<Vue, object, object, object, Record<never, any>>>'. Did you mean 'setMethods'?
9 expect(wrapper.testMethod()).toBeTruthy();

Why can't the test call the methods in Vue JS?

like image 792
Passionate Engineer Avatar asked Apr 03 '19 13:04

Passionate Engineer

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2 Answers

try this way

like image 136
Tony Tom Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 11:11

Tony Tom

The issue has to do with the type being associated with your const wrapper. I had the same problem and solved for this by saying:

let wrapper: any
wrapper = shallowMount(HelloWorld, {
            propsData: { 'test' },

This allowed me to then make references to defined data/variables and methods of the component like so:


Even better would be to define an interface for your component to extend which would allow TypeScript to understand the methods available to the instance, rather than taking the easy way out of typing as any. There's an answer to another question here on Stack Overflow that dives into that approach.

like image 35
Mike Wright Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 10:11

Mike Wright