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How can I call local method in Linq to Entities query?

I have the following code:

public void SalesCount(string customerId)
  return ...;

var resultQuery = dataContext.Customers
.Where (c => c.Name == "Alugili")
.Where (c => SalesCount(c.CustomerId) < 100);

When I execute resultQuery I get a translation to SQL exception.

I need to call SalesCount in the Where can I do that is there any workaround for this problem!

like image 455
Bassam Alugili Avatar asked Sep 10 '13 09:09

Bassam Alugili

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2 Answers

Simply you can't. You can't execute C# code on the SQL server directly, you can use only Expressions and some special recognized functions...

Unless you transform your query (at least partially) in a LINQ-to-Objects...

var resultQuery = dataContext.Customers
    .Where (c => c.Name == "Alugili")
    .Where (c => SalesCount(c.CustomerId) < 100);

Be aware that the last Where will be executed on the client side, so many useless rows will be fetched from the DB.

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xanatos Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 23:11



var resultQuery = dataContext.Customers
.Where (c => c.Name == "Alugili")
.Where (c => SalesCount(c.CustomerId) < 100);

But then the second Where is not run as SQL but locally - all customers with the name "Alugili" are pulled from the DB...

Otherwise you have to write out your method directly in the where method as lambda expression.

like image 30
Rico Suter Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 22:11

Rico Suter