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AutoResetEvent Reset immediately after Set

Consider the following pattern:

private AutoResetEvent signal = new AutoResetEvent(false);

private void Work()
    while (true)
        //has a waiting thread definitely been signaled by now?

public void WaitForNextEvent()

The purpose of this pattern is to allow external consumers to wait for a certain event (e.g. - a message arriving). WaitForNextEvent is not called from within the class.

To give an example that should be familiar, consider System.Diagnostics.Process. It exposes an Exited event, but it also exposes a WaitForExit method, which allows the caller to wait synchronously until the process exits. this is what I am trying to achieve here.

The reason I need signal.Reset() is that if a thread calls WaitForNextEvent after signal.Set() has already been called (or in other words, if .Set was called when no threads were waiting), it returns immediately, as the event has already been previously signaled.

The question

  • Is it guaranteed that a thread calling WaitForNextEvent() will be signaled before signal.Reset() is called? If not, what are other solutions for implementing a WaitFor method?
like image 848
Rotem Avatar asked Sep 04 '13 08:09


2 Answers

Instead of using AutoResetEvent or ManualResetEvent, use this:

public sealed class Signaller
    public void PulseAll()
        lock (_lock)

    public void Pulse()
        lock (_lock)

    public void Wait()

    public bool Wait(int timeoutMilliseconds)
        lock (_lock)
            return Monitor.Wait(_lock, timeoutMilliseconds);

    private readonly object _lock = new object();

Then change your code like so:

private Signaller signal = new Signaller();

private void Work()
    while (true)
        signal.Pulse(); // Or signal.PulseAll() to signal ALL waiting threads.

public void WaitForNextEvent()
like image 122
Matthew Watson Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 17:11

Matthew Watson

There is no guarantee. This:

AutoResetEvent flag = new AutoResetEvent(false);

new Thread(() =>
    Thread.CurrentThread.Priority = ThreadPriority.Lowest;
    Console.WriteLine("Work Item Started");
    Console.WriteLine("Work Item Executed");

// For fast systems, you can help by occupying processors.
for (int ix = 0; ix < 2; ++ix)
    new Thread(() => { while (true) ; }).Start();


// Decomment here to make it work


won't print "Work Item Executed" on my system. If I add a Thread.Sleep between the Set and the Reset it prints it. Note that this is very processor dependent, so you could have to create tons of threads to "fill" the CPUs. On my PC it's reproducible 50% of the times :-)

For the Exited:

readonly object mylock = new object();

then somewhere:

lock (mylock)
    // Your code goes here

and the WaitForExit:

void WaitForExit()
    lock (mylock) ;
    // exited

void bool IsExited()
    bool lockTacken = false;

        Monitor.TryEnter(mylock, ref lockTacken);
        if (lockTacken)

    return lockTacken;

Note that the lock construct isn't compatible with async/await (as aren't nearly all the locking primitives of .NET)

like image 43
xanatos Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 17:11
