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How can I automatically open the first file in a folder using C++?





How can I automatically open and read the content of a file within a given directory from a C++ application without knowing the file's name?

For example (a rough description of the program):

#include iomanip      
#include dirent.h     
#include fstream   
#include iostream   
#include stdlib.h

using namespace std;

int main()              
      DIR* dir;                                                   
      struct dirent* entry;                                          
      printf("Directory contents: ");                             

      for(int i=0; i<3; i++)                                      

      return 0;

This will print the name of the first file in that directory. My problem is how to read that particular file's content and save it in a .txt document. Can ifstream do that? (Sorry for my bad English.)

like image 590
FCX Avatar asked Feb 04 '11 06:02


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Opening a file - for creation and edit. Opening a file is performed using the fopen () function defined in the stdio.h header file. The syntax for opening a file in standard I/O is: ptr = fopen ("fileopen","mode"); For example, fopen ("E:\\cprogram\\newprogram.txt","w"); fopen ("E:\\cprogram\\oldprogram.bin","rb");

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2 Answers

this should do it

#include <iostream>
#include <boost/filesystem/operations.hpp>
#include <boost/filesystem/fstream.hpp>
using namespace boost::filesystem;
using namespace std;

void show_files( const path & directory, bool recurse_into_subdirs = true )
  if( exists( directory ) )
    directory_iterator end ;
    for( directory_iterator iter(directory) ; iter != end ; ++iter )
      if ( is_directory( *iter ) )
      cout << iter->native_directory_string() << " (directory)\n" ;
      if( recurse_into_subdirs ) show_files(*iter) ;
      cout << iter->native_file_string() << " (file)\n" ;

void copyfiles(string s)
  ifstream inFile;


  if (!inFile.is_open()) 
    cout << "Unable to open file";
    exit(1); // terminate with error
    //Display contents
  string line = "";

    //Getline to loop through all lines in file
    cout<<line<<endl; // line buffers for every line
        //here add your code to store this content in any file you want.

int main()
  show_files( "/usr/share/doc/bind9" ) ;
  return 0;
like image 154
ayush Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 01:10


If you're on Windows you can use the FindFirstFile in the Windows API. Here is a short example:

HANDLE myHandle;
WIN32_FIND_DATA findData;
myHandle = FindFirstFile("C:\\Users\\Toshiba\\Desktop\\links\\*", &findData);
do {
    if (findData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY){
        cout << "Directoryname is " << findData.cFileName << endl;
        cout << "Filename is " << findData.cFileName << endl;
} while (FindNextFile(myHandle, &findData));

Otherwise I'd go with ayushs answer, Boost works for unix systems as well

like image 37
default Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 01:10
