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How can I apply a timeout to an Ant task?




Without writing a custom Ant task, is there a way to use a timeout on a regular ant target?

To give some background info: we are using the 'delete' task to remove the contents of a given directory. Sometimes this directory is massive, with lots of generated folders and files. We wanted to have that task timeout after, say, 5 minutes.

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Christopher Dancy Avatar asked Mar 17 '10 15:03

Christopher Dancy

2 Answers

You might use the parallel task, which has a timeout, with a parallel degree of one:

<target name="timed_del">
    <parallel threadCount="1" timeout="300000">
            ... your tasks here ...
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martin clayton Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 20:09

martin clayton

You can also use the limit task.

<target name="my-target">
  <limit seconds="2" failonerror="true">
    <sshexec ... />
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HyunWoo Jo Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 18:09

HyunWoo Jo