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How does ivy:publish use the [classifier] attribute




in ivy:publisher the default deliverivypattern is ${ivy.distrib.dir}/[type]s/[artifact]-[revision](-[classifier]).[ext]

I try to set classifier in my ivy.xml under by adding attribute e:classifier="" to the element.

But the [classifier] does not get set? When ivy:publish runs in my build.xml file it appears to be empty and thereby not included in the file name pattern.

like image 326
pablaasmo Avatar asked Feb 17 '10 12:02


1 Answers

I think I've figured out your problem.

Just to be clear it is the configured resolver that determines the repository filename and not the publish task. Here's my example, which utilises two extra attributes greeting and author in the artifact and ivy filename patterns:

    <property name="repo.dir" value="${ivy.basedir}/build/repo"/>
    <property name="ivy.checksums" value=""/> <!-- Suppress the generation of checksums -->

    <settings defaultResolver="internal"/>

        <filesystem name="internal">
            <ivy pattern="${repo.dir}/[module]/[author]-ivy(-[greeting])-[revision].xml" />
            <artifact pattern="${repo.dir}/[module]/[author]-[artifact]-[greeting]-[revision].[ext]" />

The values of the extra attributes are determined by the ivy.xml file:

<ivy-module version="2.0" xmlns:e="http://ant.apache.org/ivy/extra">
  <info organisation="myorg" module="hello" e:author="Mark"/>
    <artifact name="English" ext="txt" type="doc" e:greeting="hello"/>
    <artifact name="Irish" ext="txt" type="doc" e:greeting="dia_dhuit"/>
    <artifact name="Spanish" ext="txt" type="doc" e:greeting="Hola"/>

Sure enough when I published the files the values of the greeting and author tags were present:

$ find build -type f
like image 50
Mark O'Connor Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 05:10

Mark O'Connor