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How can I alter this computed column in SQL Server 2008?

I have a computed column created with the following line:

alter table tbPedidos  add restricoes as (cast(case when restricaoLicenca = 1 or restricaoLote = 1 then 1 else 0 end as bit)) 

But, now I need to change this column for something like:

alter table tbPedidos  alter column restricoes as (cast(case when restricaoLicenca = 1 or restricaoLote = 1 or restricaoValor = 1 then 1 else 0 end as bit)) 

But it's not working. I'm trying to input another condition to the case statement, but it's not working.

Thanks a lot!

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André Miranda Avatar asked Mar 03 '10 15:03

André Miranda

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Can we alter computed column in SQL Server?

A: There is NO way to alter computed column. You will have to drop and recreate it.

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1 Answers

Something like this:

ALTER TABLE dbo.MyTable DROP COLUMN OldComputedColumn  ALTER TABLE dbo.MyTable ADD OldComputedColumn AS OtherColumn + 10 


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Leniel Maccaferri Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 13:09

Leniel Maccaferri