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How can I align button in Center or right using IONIC framework?

enter image description here

I want the login and register button in right,and Search button in Center, I searched alot but didn't get any solution.

And also how can I align text area in a proper position.

Here is my html code:

<body ng-app="starter">      <ion-pane  style = "background-color:#4992E2;">       <ion-header-bar class="bar bar-subheader" style = " margin-top: -35px; background-color:#F9F9F9;">         <h1 class="title" style = "color:black;">NetHealth Appointment Booking</h1>       </ion-header-bar>       <ion-content >           <div class = "row center">                <div class="col">                     <button class="button button-small  button-light" >                       Login!                     </button>                      <button class="button button-small  button-light">                       Register Here!                     </button>                 </div>           </div>           <div class="item-input-inset">             <h4>Date</h4>             <label class="item-input-wrapper">                 <input type="text" placeholder="Text Area">           </label>         </div>         <div class="item-input-inset">             <h4>Suburb</h4>            <label class="item-input-wrapper">                 <input type="text" placeholder="Text Area">           </label>         </div>         <div class="item-input-inset">             <h4>Clinic</h4>           <label class="item-input-wrapper">                 <input type="text" placeholder="Text Area">           </label>         </div>         <button class=" center button button-small  button-light">           Search         </button>          </ion-content>     </ion-pane>   </body> 

I know in the bootstrap, but I am new to ionic, please tell me how can I do this.

like image 789
Preety Sapra Avatar asked Sep 16 '14 05:09

Preety Sapra

People also ask

How do I keep my bootstrap button centered?

Answer: Use the text-center Class You can simply use the built-in class . text-center on the wrapper element to center align buttons or other inline elements in Bootstrap.

How do I align an image in center in ionic?

You can use ionic CSS utilities to align center by applying the attribute text-center to the parent element of the one you want to center horizontally. In your case I would wrap the <img> in a <div> so that it affects only the image and not the <p> elements. Show activity on this post.

2 Answers

You should put the button inside a div, and in the div you should be able to use the classes:
text-left, text-center and text-right.

for example:

<div class="row">    <div class="col text-center">       <button class="button button-small button-light">Search</button>    </div> </div> 

And about the "textarea" position:

<div class="list"> <label class="item item-input">     <span class="input-label">Date</span>     <input type="text" placeholder="Text Area"> </label> 

Demo using your code:

like image 116
Douglas K. Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 19:09

Douglas K.

Css is going to work in same manner i assume.

You can center the content with something like this :

.center{      text-align:center; } 


To adjust the width in proper manner, modify your DOM as below :

<div class="item-input-inset">     <label class="item-input-wrapper"> Date         <input type="text" placeholder="Text Area" />     </label> </div> <div class="item-input-inset">     <label class="item-input-wrapper"> Suburb         <input type="text" placeholder="Text Area" />     </label> </div> 


label {     display:inline-block;     border:1px solid red;     width:100%;     font-weight:bold; }  input{     float:right; /* shift to right for alignment*/     width:80% /* set a width, you can use max-width to limit this as well*/ } 


final update

If you don't plan to modify existing HTML (one in your question originally), below css would make me your best friend!! :)

html, body, .con {     height:100%;     margin:0;     padding:0; } .item-input-inset {     display:inline-block;     width:100%;     font-weight:bold; } .item-input-inset > h4 {     float:left;     margin-top:0;/* important alignment */     width:15%; } .item-input-wrapper {     display:block;     float:right;     width:85%; } input {     width:100%; } 


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NoobEditor Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 17:09
