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How can I add text labels to a Plotly scatter plot in Python?




I'm trying to add text labels next to the data points in a Plotly scatter plot in Python but I get an error.

How can I do that?

Here is my dataframe:

world_rank  university_name country teaching    international   research    citations   income  total_score num_students    student_staff_ratio international_students  female_male_ratio   year
0   1   Harvard University  United States of America    99.7    72.4    98.7    98.8    34.5    96.1    20,152  8.9 25% NaN 2011

Here is my code snippet:

citation = go.Scatter(
                    x = "World Rank" + timesData_df_top_50["world_rank"],  <--- error
                    y = "Citation" + timesData_df_top_50["citations"], <--- error
                    mode = "lines+markers",
                    name = "citations",
                    marker = dict(color = 'rgba(48, 217, 189, 1)'),
                    text= timesData_df_top_50["university_name"])

The error is shown below.

TypeError: ufunc 'add' did not contain a loop with signature matching types dtype('<U32') dtype('<U32') dtype('<U32')
like image 226
Tony Brand Avatar asked Apr 21 '20 11:04

Tony Brand

People also ask

How do you add labels to a Plotly scatter plot?

You can include the text labels in the text attribute. To make sure that they are displayed on the scatter plot, set mode='lines+markers+text' . See the Plotly documentation on text and annotations.

How do you add text to a Plotly graph?

Adding Text to Figures Standalone text annotations can be added to figures using fig. add_annotation() , with or without arrows, and they can be positioned absolutely within the figure, or they can be positioned relative to the axes of 2d or 3d cartesian subplots i.e. in data coordinates.

What is fig annotation?

An annotation is a text element that can be placed anywhere in the plot. It can be positioned with respect to relative coordinates in the plot or with respect to the actual data coordinates of the graph. Annotations can be shown with or without an arrow. align. Code: fig.update_annotations(align=<VALUE>)

What is hover in Plotly?

Hover Labels One of the most deceptively-powerful features of interactive visualization using Plotly is the ability for the user to reveal more information about a data point by moving their mouse cursor over the point and having a hover label appear. There are three hover modes available in Plotly.

1 Answers

You can include the text labels in the text attribute. To make sure that they are displayed on the scatter plot, set mode='lines+markers+text'. See the Plotly documentation on text and annotations. I included an example below based on your code.

import plotly.graph_objects as go
import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame({'world_rank': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
                   'university_name': ['Harvard', 'MIT', 'Stanford', 'Cambridge', 'Oxford'],
                   'citations': [98.8, 98.7, 97.6, 97.5, 96]})

layout = dict(plot_bgcolor='white',
              margin=dict(t=20, l=20, r=20, b=20),
              xaxis=dict(title='World Rank',
                         range=[0.9, 5.5],
                         range=[95.5, 99.5],

data = go.Scatter(x=df['world_rank'],
                  textposition='top right',
                  marker=dict(color='#5D69B1', size=8),
                  line=dict(color='#52BCA3', width=1, dash='dash'),

fig = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout)

like image 99
Flavia Giammarino Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 21:09

Flavia Giammarino