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pandas: Keep only top n values and set others to 0




In a pandas dataframe, for every row, I want to keep only the top N values and set everything else to 0. I can iterate through the rows and do it but I am sure python/pandas can do it elegantly in a single line.

For e.g.: for N = 2

A   B   C   D
4   10  10  6
5   20  50  90
6   30  6   4
7   40  12  9

A   B   C   D
0   10  10  0
0   0   50  90
6   30  6   0
0   40  12  0
like image 400
Nikhil Utane Avatar asked Nov 06 '18 09:11

Nikhil Utane

1 Answers

Using rank with parameters axis=1 and method='min' and ascending=False as:

N = 2
df = df.mask(df.rank(axis=1, method='min', ascending=False) > N, 0)

Or using np.where with pd.DataFrame which is faster than mask method:

df = pd.DataFrame(np.where(df.rank(axis=1,method='min',ascending=False)>N, 0, df),

   A   B   C   D
0  0  10  10   0
1  0   0  50  90
2  6  30   6   0
3  0  40  12   0

Explanation :

Step 1: First we need to find what are the 2 smallest numbers in the row and also if there is a duplicate that need to be taken account. So, using axis=1 ranks across rows and duplicate values will be taken care by method='min' and ascending = False:

print(df.rank(axis=1, method='min', ascending=False))
     A    B    C    D
0  4.0  1.0  1.0  3.0
1  4.0  3.0  2.0  1.0
2  2.0  1.0  2.0  4.0
3  4.0  1.0  2.0  3.0

Step 2: Second we need to filter where the values is greater than (N) as per condition and then change those values using mask:

print(df.rank(axis=1, method='min', ascending=False) > N)
       A      B      C      D
0   True  False  False   True
1   True   True  False  False
2  False  False  False   True
3   True  False  False   True

print(df.mask(df.rank(axis=1, method='min', ascending=False) > N, 0))
   A   B   C   D
0  0  10  10   0
1  0   0  50  90
2  6  30   6   0
3  0  40  12   0
like image 59
Space Impact Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 13:11

Space Impact