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How can I add a new file to .csproj file without visual studio

How can I add a new file to .csproj from command prompt?

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Alexander Beninski Avatar asked Jan 17 '13 15:01

Alexander Beninski

People also ask

How do I get to Csproj file?

How to open a CSPROJ file. CSPROJ files are are meant to be opened and edited in Microsoft Visual Studio (Windows, Mac) as part of Visual Studio projects. However, because CSPROJ files are XML files, you can open and edit them in any text or source code editor.

How do I open a CS project in Visual Studio?

Double-click the . csproj file to open it in Visual Studio. See Start from a Visual Studio solution or project. If the code is from another development environment, there's no project file.

2 Answers

I don't think there's any tool that will respond to an "add-project" command on the command-line to do this, but I think you could have luck creating a program/script to manipulate the XML content of csproj files directly.

The structure of a csproj file looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project ToolsVersion="4.0" DefaultTargets="Build" xmlns="...">
        <!-- Properties which affect the build process -->
        <!-- Groups of items to process -->

To add a C# code file to a project, you just need to add a Compile element to an ItemGroup element:

<Compile Include="{relative path to file}" />

If you use an existing project file as a template, this should be possible with a very simple XSLT.

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Paul Turner Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 02:10

Paul Turner

Here's an easy way you can do it using Linq2Xml. I've included a single and a list based method. Oh, and like Casper said: you'll need to unload the project from VS before your program can edit it. Then just reload it when done.

    private static void AddFilesToUnitTestProject(FileInfo[] files, string measureBaseDirPath, string measureDataDirSuffix)
        var unitTestProjectPath = measureBaseDirPath + _unitTestProjectFile;
        var unitTestProjectFile = XDocument.Load(unitTestProjectPath);
        var itemGroup = unitTestProjectFile.Nodes()
                          .OfType<XElement>().First(xy => xy.Name.LocalName == "ItemGroup");

        foreach (var fileInfo in files)
            var xelem = AddProjectContent(measureDataDirSuffix + fileInfo.Name, unitTestProjectFile);

    private static void AddFileToUnitTestProject(string pathToAdd, string measureBaseDirPath, string measureDataDir)
        var unitTestProjectPath = measureBaseDirPath + _unitTestProjectFile;
        var unitTestProjectFile = XDocument.Load(unitTestProjectPath);
        var itemGroup =
                           .OfType<XElement>().First(xy => xy.Name.LocalName == "ItemGroup");
        var xelem = AddProjectContent(pathToAdd, unitTestProjectFile);

private static XElement AddProjectContent(string pathToAdd, XDocument doc) 
    XNamespace rootNamespace = doc.Root.Name.NamespaceName; 
    var xelem = new XElement(rootNamespace + "Content"); 
    xelem.Add(new XAttribute("Include", pathToAdd)); 
    xelem.Add(new XElement(rootNamespace + "CopyToOutputDirectory", "Always")); 
    return xelem; 
  • Updated with AddProjectContent method
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Dan Csharpster Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 04:10

Dan Csharpster