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How can I achieve bookmarklet functionality in Microsoft Edge browser (without installing anything extra)?

Microsoft Edge browser does not support javascript bookmarklet in favorites. Is there an easy workaround for this?

When browser extensions for Edge come out, then it might be possible if the user installs an extension -- but that's much higher overhead for the user and developer.

I assume this is by design. But what is the microsoft workaround for this besides extensions?

description of problem: http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/apps_windows_10-msedge/please-support-drag-and-drop-bookmarklet-and/dc7d2f09-8742-46a5-bb4a-4d1f576b8919

and old workaround: http://www.howtogeek.com/231775/how-to-install-and-use-bookmarklets-in-microsoft-edge/

a hack using an installed program: http://www.emmet-gray.com/Articles/EdgeManage.html

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TaiwanGrapefruitTea Avatar asked Jun 23 '16 08:06


1 Answers

After experimenting around, I found out that in fact EDGE does support bookmarklets, but they call it Reading list. It works almost like bookmarklets, but a bit more poorly and difficult to debug, plus there is a (logical) limitation that cannot be circumvented as easily as in say Firefox: if your script comes from a http:// site, it cannot be run on a https:// site.

You can use bookmarklets in Edge this way:

  1. Right-click your button with your javascript:.... url.
  2. Click Add to reading list.
  3. Navigate to your site and run the script on that site by clicking Reading list (Reading list on my version of Edge on PC is located behind the three horizontal lines called Hub and then the fancy icon with many curled horizontal lines called Reading list, on mobile the Reading list icon appears above the address bar when you click the ... menu icon) and from that list clicking your script.

I have tested it AND IT WORKS ON BOTH PC EDGE AS WELL AS MOBILE EDGE (Mobile: Windows 10.0.14393). Hope this helps someone as I almost abandoned my Lumia for an Android mainly because of my perceived lack of this feature.

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mxl Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 13:09
