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How can I access the "Documents and Settings" folder?

I'm using C# .NET 4 with VS 2010.

When Iterating over some paths, I'm running this line:

files = Directory.GetFiles(path, searchPattern);

I get an exception when the path is the documents and settings folder. How can I access it? And no, I don't want to skip the folder with a try and catch. I want to be able to access it somehow.

Edit: I got a follow up question. As I told you, I'm iterating over the paths. Is there a way to use Environment.GetFolderPath but somehow idetifying the correct speical folder according to the path I'm currently checking?

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Yonatan Nir Avatar asked May 25 '13 18:05

Yonatan Nir

2 Answers

You have to use like this

var mydocumentsPath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments)

To get access to the MyDocuments folder.

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Saravanan Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 04:09


From Environment.SpecialFolder

The system special folders are folders such as Program Files, Programs, System, or Startup, which contain common information. Special folders are set by default by the system, or explicitly by the user, when installing a version of Windows.

The GetFolderPath method returns the locations associated with this enumeration. The locations of these folders can have different values on different operating systems, the user can change some of the locations, and the locations are localized.

Just use

string path = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments);
files = Directory.GetFiles(path, searchPattern);

In my computer, it returns as C:\Users\Soner\Documents

Is there a way to use Environment.GetFolderPath but somehow idetifying the correct speical folder according to the path I'm currently checking?

Since SpecialFolder is enum type, you can iterate their values in a loop. Here how it looks like;

public enum SpecialFolder
    AdminTools = 0x30,
    ApplicationData = 0x1a,
    CDBurning = 0x3b,
    CommonAdminTools = 0x2f,
    CommonApplicationData = 0x23,
    CommonDesktopDirectory = 0x19,
    CommonDocuments = 0x2e,
    CommonMusic = 0x35,
    CommonOemLinks = 0x3a,
    CommonPictures = 0x36,
    CommonProgramFiles = 0x2b,
    CommonProgramFilesX86 = 0x2c,
    CommonPrograms = 0x17,
    CommonStartMenu = 0x16,
    CommonStartup = 0x18,
    CommonTemplates = 0x2d,
    CommonVideos = 0x37,
    Cookies = 0x21,
    Desktop = 0,
    DesktopDirectory = 0x10,
    Favorites = 6,
    Fonts = 20,
    History = 0x22,
    InternetCache = 0x20,
    LocalApplicationData = 0x1c,
    LocalizedResources = 0x39,
    MyComputer = 0x11,
    MyDocuments = 5,
    MyMusic = 13,
    MyPictures = 0x27,
    MyVideos = 14,
    NetworkShortcuts = 0x13,
    Personal = 5,
    PrinterShortcuts = 0x1b,
    ProgramFiles = 0x26,
    ProgramFilesX86 = 0x2a,
    Programs = 2,
    Recent = 8,
    Resources = 0x38,
    SendTo = 9,
    StartMenu = 11,
    Startup = 7,
    System = 0x25,
    SystemX86 = 0x29,
    Templates = 0x15,
    UserProfile = 40,
    Windows = 0x24
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Soner Gönül Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 04:09

Soner Gönül