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How can a parameter's default value reference another parameter?

How can a parameter's default value reference another parameter? If it cannot, how to work around that?

case class A(val x:Int, val y:Int = x*2)

Error (reasonably enough):

scala> case class B(val x:Int, val y:Int = x*2)
<console>:7: error: not found: value x
   case class B(val x:Int, val y:Int = x*2)
like image 267
Dominykas Mostauskis Avatar asked Jun 15 '13 16:06

Dominykas Mostauskis

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1 Answers

This requires that you use multiple parameter lists:

case class A(x: Int)(y: Int = x*2)

Default values can only refer to parameters in preceding lists.

Be careful however with case classes, because their equality only takes into the account the first parameter list, therefore:

A(1)() == A(1)(3)  // --> true!!
like image 123
0__ Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 07:10
